Need Egg Breakfast Ideas



  • ANewCrystal4Life
    ANewCrystal4Life Posts: 121 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    dklibert wrote: »
    Eggs made in a coffee cup in the microwave is very fast. I will often cut veggies and keep in a container in the frig. Then I can add to the mug with eggs or egg beaters. Check out Hungry Girl or the Eggbeaters website for ideas.

    I also made these scrambles too.

    IMO, I think mugs are not a great way to cook eggs in the micro....too much sticks to the cup. I use a small, 6" round silicone cake pan. NOTHING sticks to it, and its big enough to hold several eggs and lots of veggies.

    I make eggs in a mug every morning at work for breakfast. I just spray a little cooking spray and nothing sticks. Quick and easy.
  • conradCLE
    conradCLE Posts: 7
    edited March 2015
    Steam some broccoli, mushrooms, drain well. Then stray Pam a deep pan put them in there. Put in egg whites with a little pepper, cook at 350 degrees till middle is cooked. PERFECT quick and ready when I get back from the gym in the morning. You can add cheese or other things. I add a small amount of cheese to the top. good luck. Low cal and ready. I have 3oz of smoked salmon with it. I am crazy though lol.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    This might be super boring, but I eat two hard-boiled eggs and two pieces of turkey bacon (microwaved) every morning. Because I have almost zero time in the AM (I get up at 5:30 and have to get two young kids out the door by 6:45), I cook 20 hard-boiled eggs every Sunday night, two each for me and my husband for each weekday. I don't even boil them, technically. I follow the Alton Brown method for cooking them in the oven, which is super easy ("set it and forget it") and requires almost no clean-up.

    DON'T preheat the oven. Take a dish towel or tea towel (nothing super pretty, as it may brown a bit in the oven) and soak it in water. Wring out any excess. Lie the towel across your oven rack, then put as many eggs as you need to cook on the towel on the rack. Once your eggs are in place, push in the rack, close the oven, set it to 325 degrees, and set the timer for 30 minutes. Once the timer goes off, put the eggs in an ice bath for about ten minutes, then refrigerate them, only peeling before you're ready to eat them. (Peeled eggs don't keep as long as unpeeled eggs.) The towel won't be particularly hot, but the eggs will, so you can gather the corners of the towel to transport the eggs out of the oven and onto a heat-safe surface. Then use an oven mitt to put them in the ice bath. I keep the same towel out to dry them after the ice bath. The only clean-up is rinsing the bowl I used for the ice bath and throwing the dish towel in the laundry.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    I haven't tried this yet but add some sausage/bacon from your critter of choice on the side:
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I second the idea of having some pre-sautéed veg on hand for quick meal prep. Yesterday I had an over easy egg on top of some leftover cabbage and potatoes. It was yummy.
  • LightingChick
    I haven't done this in awhile cuz I'm sick of eggs right now, but I love frying an egg, put it over a piece of whole wheat toast smothered in a laughing cow wedge. I liked the quest fresco flavor for a touch of spice :-)