my sweet tooth saver



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Those are both perfectly healthy, in my opinion. If you're already taking in your nutrients, why not go for the ice cream if you enjoy it?

    so then ice cream is not inherently unhealthy, right?
    I guess that just comes down to perception. Perhaps the ice cream has too much sugar and certain people should avoid eating it often. Maybe a certain kind of ice cream has an extreme amount of preservatives and it would be better to make it homemade. What I think is that it's unhealthy if that's all you're eating in a day or if you binge excessively on it. Some people would rather avoid eating ice cream and instead eat fruit to try to develop a taste for healthier sweets than refined sugars, which may help avoid binging/addiction.

    you do realize that 20 grams of apple sugar = 20 grams of ice cream sugar, right?

    why would one be addicted to fruit sugar but not ice cream sugar?

    that's like saying I am only alcoholic when I drink liquor, but I am fine around beer....
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    What I'm saying is that instead of going for the junk food that they are addicted to (back in my binging days, I never devoured a bag of apples), they will choose apples or another fruit, which contain plenty of fiber and more vitamins than ice cream. People can certainly develop an addiction for a specific junk food, and avoiding ice cream if you are uncontrollable around it and developing tastes for fruit could lead them to make better decisions regarding food. Everyone's different though. Some people can eat ice cream every day and it's perfectly healthy and they will never binge.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    What I'm saying is that instead of going for the junk food that they are addicted to (back in my binging days, I never devoured a bag of apples), they will choose apples or another fruit, which contain plenty of fiber and more vitamins than ice cream. People can certainly develop an addiction for a specific junk food, and avoiding ice cream if you are uncontrollable around it and developing tastes for fruit could lead them to make better decisions regarding food. Everyone's different though. Some people can eat ice cream every day and it's perfectly healthy and they will never binge.

    but why is ice cream "junk"...? You just said that if you have blueberries and ice cream in your day that it would be "healthy"..

    what you are failing to see is that overall diet and dosage of food is what matter, not one individual food choice.

    I am not going to go down the path of food addiction in this thread...but I fail to see how one could say "well I can't control myself around ice cream, because I am addicted to the sugar, and then in the same breath say, but yea, I can just eat one apple, because that is good sugar." < I am sorry but that is an issue of will power and self control, and not because one form of sugar is better than another.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    The sugar thing was something else entirely. It's more about the fiber and vitamins you can get from the fruit, because yes, sugar is sugar. When I said some people might want to avoid too much ice cream because it's too sugary, these people should be moderating their sugar intake period. I'm not saying that one sugar is better than the other. That being said....

    I definitely think that blueberries are healthier than ice cream if I take a look at their compared nutritional values. I do NOT think it is unhealthy to sit down with a bowl of ice cream. In fact, I recommend sitting down with a bowl of ice cream every once in a while, unless you won't be able to stop yourself or it's really a problem for you. Ice cream is good, and one bowl is not going to kill you. If it fits in your daily calorie goal or whatever, then all is good. People will react to it in different ways, though. I'm not one to judge. Just do what works best for you.