Core strength after abdominal surgery or c/sections

mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
Just wondering how long it took other people to regain core strength after a c/section or other abdominal surgery?

I know the more I work it...the faster it will happen. I also know that doing heavy, compound lifts will help tremendously.

I'm just looking for an average or someone else's experience.

I had my second c/section in August. My first was in 2007, with 2 other pregnancies and deliveries in between them.

I started following SL 5x5 back in March 2012, stopped in December of 2012 after finding out I was pregnant. I started SL 5x5 again at the end of October (with obviously very reduced weights and medical release). I am *almost* back up to my prepregnancy lifts for everything but Squat and Deadlift. My legs are not the issue. I can feel it in my abs when I squat/deadlift that they are weak still. So I am not progressing on those lifts, when I would like to be (obviously).

Beyond SL 5x5, I also do core accessory work. Good mornings after finishing SL's, planks daily and yoga 2x a week.

What was your experience after abdominal surgery or c/section?