Lost weight the "un-orthodox way" but need to keep it down



  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    If you are eating more than you were used to… then it's normal to see the scale go up temporarily. Give yourself a few weeks to let your system become accustomed to this new normal.

    In the meantime… yes. Weigh and measure EVERYTHING. And watch your sodium and water intake. And give yourself a safe/comfortable maintenance range (ex: +/- 5 pounds). Chances are you'll be fine.
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    I avoid processed meats except those from Trader Joes that are low in sodium, fat and no nitrites.
    I do hve to use some of those options as I have a hard time eating enough protein...and with 2 diabetic parents, I need to keep carbs low. I don't always have a healthy and fresh steak waiting for me to eat it.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    It can be such a complicated subject. It is clear that you are looking for a way to be successful and having trouble with fears. The fundamental tools of success are:
    1. Find someone who is successful and do what they do
    2. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. You must get out of your comfort zone to see change.
    3. Banish any idea that you are a victim of your metabolism.

    I think you could benefit from a good role model. Maybe search the success stories on the boards. Join an exercise class or challenge group.

    I think you really deserve to be succesful having the body you want and you can overcome the fears that are standing in your way.
  • wisdomfromyou
    wisdomfromyou Posts: 198 Member
    If you are eating more than you were used to… then it's normal to see the scale go up temporarily. Give yourself a few weeks to let your system become accustomed to this new normal.

    In the meantime… yes. Weigh and measure EVERYTHING. And watch your sodium and water intake. And give yourself a safe/comfortable maintenance range (ex: +/- 5 pounds). Chances are you'll be fine.

    How much sodium should I aim for?

    I do tend to retain some water, at least based on the bags under my eyes.

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I lost a TON of weight in my late 30s due to depression, and then had a series of bad reactions to my medication for it...leading to a sudden ending of meds and my compensating by eating and drinking A LOT. I swung from 10-15 pounds under my target weight to 25 pounds OVER that weight...which I then maintained for 5 years, plus a little extra.

    I think that the best step towards keeping your loss in a healthful manner (avoiding both the boomerang and a poor mental health response to keeping weight down) is to raise your activity level. get a fitness tracker and challenge yourself to keep your steps and stairs up. Start lifting weights or do a Couch to 5 K program and start running. Keep eating sanely and healthfully and focus on DOING more, not eating less.

    Good luck!