Light exercise & eating back calories

Should I eat back any of my exercise calories? I bought a recumbent bike and do maybe 20/30 minutes , burning less than 250- calories. I don'tknow why I feel guiltabout eating some back.


  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    My burns aren't that great either, and at the low level, I'm not sure how reliable the calculation is. I have a heart rate monitor, but I can't get a reading off of it.

    Sooooo... I very rarely eat any of my calories back. What I do tend to do... oh, this will be an awkward explanation... most days, I usually eat about 100 or more calories shy of my goal to leave a margin of error for food labeling and me being a fallible human being and possibly missing something or measuring wrong. On the days I exercise, I tend to eat to my actual goal.
  • marine172064
    marine172064 Posts: 28 Member
    Awesome thank you