Leg Injury: Need workout ideas

I just found out today I have a partially torn achilles from playing basketball and have to be in a sturdy walking boot for 3-4 weeks. Dr. said no cardio that involves lower body. He said it is fine to lift upper body as long as the weight is not to the point where Im really pushing down hard on the ground with my legs. So, I know I can do some weight circuit training upper body still and can still do all my ab workouts. Im a teacher and off work now for summer so this is the time I usually get my best work in the gym done and don't want to just sit around and waste a month. Any thoughts on other things I could do to really get my heat rate up and burn cals and get a sweat going with my big ugly boot on my leg? Thanks in advance.


  • meikeh82
    meikeh82 Posts: 2
    Arm bike... and boxing maybe? or rowing machine (without using legs to push off)maybe? or swimming with a pull buoy between legs (if you can take the boot off to go in the water or have a way to wear one in the water