What apps to use (android wear too?)

Hi everyone, On Monday I'm going to start working out and watching what I eat. I'll be doing the couch to 5k program, and a rugby training program. I am going to use my smartphone to keep track of everything, and would also love to utilize my Moto 360 Smartwatch. I am trying to figure out the best possible apps to use to track all my calories burned. Right now I have UP by jawbone reading my steps and automatically reporting to MFP and adjusting my calories. How does UP work and will it track my calories while running? I know there are other apps that definitely do, but if I use a separate app for running will it count the calories twice? There is also a C25K app that will synch with MFP, but again I do not know if it will count the calories twice. I am thinking about doing away with UP and not worrying about calories burned walking. Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions? If so please let me know.
