I'm back!

My name is Amanda, and I guess I am not a new member as I have had an account for a while, but never really kept up with it. I noticed I needed to start working on my weight when I got up to 260lbs back in early 2012. I took a picture on the night that I weighed myself and when I was tagged in the picture later I couldn't believe that I had let myself gain so much weight.

I joined a MMA fighting team and lost a lot of weight. I got down to about 215lbs. but then needed to get a second job while I was in college. I hit a plateau and started to gain weight again, and got back up to 225lbs. I then started a full time, big kid job, and met wonderful, and powerful women while working there, and we started a personal facebook weight loss page. It helped so much and I made my way down to 194lbs. My group helped keep me on track until recently. I took what started out as a two week break, and then started to hate working out, and tended to eat whatever I wanted.

I began getting depressed because I could see myself gaining the weight that I worked so hard to lose back. I weighed myself on Monday and I was back up to 208... I wrote a post on my groups page, and realized I needed to get back in shape. One of the sentences I wrote was, "I need to get my will power back but don't know how."

I reread my post over and over again and I decided to jump back onto My Fitness Pal so I could relearn about portion control, and to help me rerealize when I was hungry or bored.

Although I hate that I get in such a habit of getting on and off the wagon, I love that I have learned a lot about myself each time I have fallen off, and have been able to utilize this knowledge to keep me on track. For example, I usually start out REALLY ambitions on Monday (my usual weigh in days) and burn myself out by Wednesday, or that I will forget to set mini goals, and often lose sight of my larger long term ones. Mini goals are just as important, if not more so than long term goals. I personally attempt to have weekly goals, (which I have learned that I cannot set to many as I will accomplish some and not all (causing me to get discouraged and fall of the wagon.) monthly goals, and long term goals. :smile:

My long term goal weight is to be 170lbs. My reward will be the tattoo that I have been wanting for YEARS. I told myself I couldn't get it until I reached my goal weight. And I want that DAMN tattoo!!! :smiley: smiley:

Add me as a friend if you want because I can use all the help I can get!

Thanks for reading!