Should I stress about this?



  • Marcia661 wrote: »
    Get rid of the microwave :)

    Yes that thing kills any value that might be left
  • Freedom1890
    Freedom1890 Posts: 9 Member
    Leaving healthier options sounds good, but I would also ask him if he's ok. There have been links made between craving carbs and low mood/depression, as (apparently) carbs can cause more serotonin (the happy chemical) to be generated. I know, when I'm feeling really low, I crave things like pizza or crisps. This was particularly true when I was off work for anxiety. The food just seemed to make me feel better, if only for a little while. Unfortunately, it's not that helpful long-term as we need to exercise and eat well for our emotional wellbeing as well as physical. It's probably just that he's a teenager and after convenience, but it might be an idea to keep an eye on him just in case :)
  • Aed0416
    Aed0416 Posts: 101 Member
    I would make sure he has the skills and knowledge concerning nutrition while he is still under your roof. Does he know how to bake wings or scramble eggs or make a sandwich melt?
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Ha! I remember when my brother would inhale junk food... and still be skinny. Lol!! You'd think he eventually got fat? Nah... I hate him for that. :laugh:
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pushing healthy food on him, will only make him want junk food more, lol. Use common sense:
    A pushes B, B runs away.
    A plants seed, A retreats, B might/might not follow.

    If you don't want that kind of food in the house. Stop buying it, ergo he'll have to get it himself.

    You're son is right. Eventually he'll possibly make better food choices. You can only be a good example, he's almost adult. Give him the space and trust to find out what HE wants for himself. Prefrontal cortex in humans is fully developed around age 25. Myelin is good for neural network in the brain.
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    So he thinks that when he gets older he'll make better food choices. Until then, it's your job as a parent to do it for him. It's not like he's going to learn those habits through osmosis. Keep the food you don't want him to eat out of the house and model healthy habits. Hopefully, some of those habits will stick.