Metric amounts on Food Data Base

jas82007 Posts: 15 Member
Hi- I get frustrated sometimes when entering what i eat only to find that the database has that food measured in metrics, not American style units. I often have Post Shredded Wheat and Bran for breakfast- the only options to enter the amount are in grams. Am I missing something- is there some way to get readings in cups in a case like this?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Measuring in grams will be more precise. Most food labels have the grams listed even if cups (or tablespoons) are listed. If you are not interested in using a scale to measure in grams, you could multiply the number of cups you use by the value in grams, as listed on the nutrition label, and then divide by the gram value that is in the database and enter that as the quantity.