Good low carb/no carb quick snack options

I am trying to find some more options for quick and easy low carb or no carb snacks to fill our between meals timeframe. It's not like before just being able to have luna bars at the ready so you don't chew off someones arm and you can only go so long on low card tortillas and sliced deli meat or hummus and cucumbers. Any helpful yummy snacks options are welcome and greatly appreciated, especially brainless quick ones!!! :)
Thank you all you wonderful bunch of humans!!!


  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    Hard boiled eggs, pork scratchings, beef jerky (check the labels on that one as some have quite a bit of added sugar). Veg (cucumber or celery) with guacamole or another appropriate dip?
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    Raw almonds, string cheese, or cottage cheese??
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Baby carrots and Greek yogurt are my current go to. Cheese is a good option also. During certain TOM I make fat bombs to keep around. Visit the low carb group for fat bomb recipes. I also like almonds but I can't leave them alone. If they are in my desk at work they must be eaten.
  • TheSwoleMinister
    TheSwoleMinister Posts: 70 Member
    Great suggestions, I'm off to buy some cheese!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Precut veggies and sour cream dip, . . . pork rinds. Pork rinds and sour cream. . . :)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I stock up on babybels and string cheese when I do a Costco run, and get beef sticks at our grocery store (if Costco has them, I haven't found them yet). Those are my two main on the go snacks.

    For treats I go with chocolate mouse - hwc, unsweetened cocoa, and a little sweetener, whipped up until it turns into chocolate whipped cream
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    cheese and deli meat roll-ups, hard boiled eggs, nuts, beef jerky...