Calories on Running Days Vs Non Running Days

KazB5 Posts: 14 Member
Should I be eating more calories on the days I go running and slightly less on the days I am not, or should I be trying to up my calorie intake for every day?


  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited March 2015
    If you're using MFP's NEAT system, you should be inputting your run under the exercise tab and eating back at least some of the exercise calories (between 50-75% to account for any overages in the numbers).
  • KazB5
    KazB5 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi - yes - that's what I am trying to do. I guess if I do a run I do need to recoup those calories that day?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Have you read the stickies in the getting started forum that tell you how to use this tool?

    Running calories are very easy to estimate.
    Turning your question round - why wouldn't you log your running and eat those calories?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    KazB5 wrote: »
    Should I be eating more calories on the days I go running and slightly less on the days I am not

    That works for me. :smile:
  • KazB5
    KazB5 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you both. Still trying to get my head round how to optimise my nutrition whilst training. I will have a good read through of the 'stickies' in the getting started forum.

    My main concern is that I can't afford to loose any weight so I'm trying to keep everything balanced. I appreciate that doing more running than I have done before is going to boost my metabolism and I should probably eat more every day rather than just on the days I train.

    There's so much to learn but its all fascinating!