Eggs- Should I eat these little eggletons?



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    The cholesterol thing is a fluke. My dad ate 3 everyday for like, a year, and his bad cholesterol went DOWN. They say to control cholesterol to only eat 1 per I really think it depends on your body. He was a preeeeeeeetty big guy (lost 150 lbs in a year and a half) so his body might have taken to it differently than your small frame will...but, I've been safe on eating 2 a day for a few weeks straight. Always helps me lose weight, stay full and not overeat at other meals. Trying to get back into the habit of eating a bigger breakfast.

    BUT, 4-6 eggs at one TIME... I don't think that's healthy because yes, then you have to worry about the fat. The fat in one or two is good for you because it's natural but not that many at one time. I think then you'd have to worry about it.

    Just clarifying... I think she said 5-6 eggs over the last few days...

    I eat 3-4 eggs per day at 1 sitting, plus have bacon.............. I go through almost 3 dozen of eggs per week, by myself. With my husband added in we go through almost 6 dozen eggs.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    That's great just don't eat the yoke. To many cals I eat 12 egg whites a day

    The yolk is the most nutritious part of the egg.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Great, take a multi vit and save 60 freaking calories lol. those nutrients ( 4% vit a, 2% calcium and 4% iron)can be found in other foods that won't make you fat. If you're only eating one a day like the other poster fine but I eat a whole dozen at 120 for huge clean filling protien (60 grams) and save my self 720 cals, 60 grams of fat, 18 sat fat and 2,580 mgs of cholest. by not eating the yoke.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    For instance july you eat 4 eggs a day, if you didn't eat the yoke for a year you wou?d save 74000 calories which comes out to 20 pounds of fat!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    For instance july you eat 4 eggs a day, if you didn't eat the yoke for a year you wou?d save 74000 calories which comes out to 20 pounds of fat!

    I don't count calories, so it doesn't matter to me what the calories are.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Great, take a multi vit and save 60 freaking calories lol. those nutrients ( 4% vit a, 2% calcium and 4% iron)can be found in other foods that won't make you fat. If you're only eating one a day like the other poster fine but I eat a whole dozen at 120 for huge clean filling protien (60 grams) and save my self 720 cals, 60 grams of fat, 18 sat fat and 2,580 mgs of cholest. by not eating the yoke.

    Eggs don't make you fat either.

    Sweetie - It takes fat to burn fat............just like it takes fuel to run your car............

    There is nothing unclean about an egg yolk. :huh: :huh:
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    K, but that's 20 pounds you wouldn't have. Which could help with you weight related health problems. 8f you don't count cals you should atleast count fat and cholest, two things you get two much of with eggs
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    K, but that's 20 pounds you wouldn't have. Which could help with you weight related health problems. 8f you don't count cals you should atleast count fat and cholest, two things you get two much of with eggs

    I only count carbs, and because I eat egg yolks doesn't mean I would weigh 20 pounds less.

    The basis of my eating plan is a higher percentage fat than anything else.

    I eat at 60% fat, 30 protein and 10% carbs.

    And now that I know what is wrong with my endocrine system the weight loss is starting to pick up.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    No it takes musle to burn fat. And don't call me sweetie, that's condinsending. I'm 5.9 134 pounds and lean. I had a baby last year n weighted 218 at delivery. I'm clearly doing something right (that thing is not spelling though haha)
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Yes u would. If you ate 4 eggs a day for a year and took out the yoke you would save 74000 cals which at 3500 cals per pound of body fat is 20 pounds. Its all about the numbers
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yes u would. If you ate 4 eggs a day for a year and took out the yoke you would save 74000 cals which at 3500 cals per pound of body fat is 20 pounds. Its all about the numbers

    Look, i am not going to debate or argue with you. I know that for a fact, it would not take 20 pounds off of me. And weight loss is not all about the numbers. I have dispelled that myth time and time again.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    No it takes musle to burn fat. And don't call me sweetie, that's condinsending. I'm 5.9 134 pounds and lean. I had a baby last year n weighted 218 at delivery. I'm clearly doing something right (that thing is not spelling though haha)

    The only reason I am not at my goal is because I just found out I have Adrenal Gland issues and Thyroid issues. has nothing to do with the way I eat. I could eat 0 calories per day and not lose an ounce............

    We will see in a couple of weeks after I get going on my treatment plan.

    Here is an article from a Holistic site that I subscribe too that explains Eat Fat to Burn Fat............Low Fat is NOT where its at.

    This is the last thing I have to say to you. And I was not being condescending..............
    Eat Fat to Burn Fat
    by Jesse Cannone

    For about 50 years now, Americans have been eating low fat (some no fat) diets and the funny thing is we have gotten progressively fatter and less healthy. Who ever said low fat diets were healthy, and more importantly, why does eating less fat mean you’ll be less fat?

    In attempt to keep this easy to understand, as most of what you read and hear is complicated, confusing, and contradictory, I’m going to be direct, to the point, and explain things in a way that most people can understand.

    Where to start??? Well, I’ve done some research on this and have found very little science to back up the claims that eating less fat will keep you trim. I have also found many examples that totally dismiss this idea. For example, the French eat significantly more fat than we do here in the US while there obesity AND disease and illness rates are quite a bit lower.

    Another example is the Alaskan Eskimos. They consume as much as 70% of their calories from fat (whale blubber and fish) and they have one of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world – until they come to the US and eat like us!

    Before I cover other examples I’d like to talk about some the reasons why the “low fat diet” is not only making us fatter, but also killing people faster than you can imagine!

    Does that shock you? If so, do I have news for you!

    Ok… here are just a few reasons:

    eating less fat means you have to eat more protein or carbs and most people end up eating more carbs (and the wrong type!) Dietary fat is very slow burning in the body so when you replace the fat with faster burning carbs you tend to feel less energetic, risk burning muscle tissue, and wreak havoc on your metabolism and hormones because your energy levels (blood sugar) are like a roller coaster.

    Dietary fats supply some of the best, and most stable sources of energy. So if you want to feel good all day long, you need to make sure you are getting enough fats, and the right types. I’ll touch on which types to avoid and which to include in your diet later in this article.

    the human body needs fat just to function properly, let alone optimal health Certain amounts of fat are necessary for proper hormone production. If hormone production is off so will your metabolism be. Hormones regulate many things in the body including your ability to build and maintain muscle tissue, which is responsible for a large portion of your energy expenditure. In simple terms, muscle burns calories 24 hours a day and if you eat a low fat or no fat diet you will have a hard time building and maintaining muscle.

    Here are some facts:

    obesity increased from 14% of the American population in 1960 to over 22% by 1980 the Harvard Nurse’s Health Study which ran well over 10 years found that not only did low fat diets not decrease the risk of heart disease but also that saturated fat wasn’t so bad after all, and that too little was just as harmful

    To read more of the facts about dietary fat and health, check out these great resources:

    So to sum things up…

    if you want to lose weight and be healthy – DON’T eat a low-fat diet!
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I to have very low thyroid. I think for your health it would help to do some reading
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I've seen and freaking hate that artical. People now a days eating low fat arnt getting fatter hence all the people here that are doing so well. Low fat options are there to combat the awful food they make now a days. The only. People getting fat are the ones eating fat. Plain and simple. If you can show me one person that loses weight eating only high fat protien and someone getting fat eating egg whites veggies and whole grains. (Low fat). Ill give you my freaking house and first child
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Eggs are good for you, the yoke included. Of course, I believe in moderation. In my opinion, for my lifestyle in particular, I would agree on the fact that they should be limited. But, for others who are on a different lifestyle plan, I think they are eating what is right for their body, and only they can be the judge of that. One cannot conclude that everyone should be on the same diet, we all have different goals. We can't all be living a 200 calorie-a-day lifestyle, and we don't all lose weight at the same pace.

    I think for the purpose of the original poster, if your body is craving the protein, defiintely eat it. I wouldn't recommend eating too many eggs at once, but they are good for you. Maybe try some other sources of protein or fat--- lean meats, avacados, peanut butter. The variety might make you feel better, and less reliant on just one specific food.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I've seen and freaking hate that artical. People now a days eating low fat arnt getting fatter hence all the people here that are doing so well. Low fat options are there to combat the awful food they make now a days. The only. People getting fat are the ones eating fat. Plain and simple. If you can show me one person that loses weight eating only high fat protien and someone getting fat eating egg whites veggies and whole grains. (Low fat). Ill give you my freaking house and first child

    in all honesty, I do believe that some people who live low-carb are eating better than others. I personally think that the unhealthiest food comes in the forms of diet soda, low fat salad dressings, fat free this-fat free that- etc etc.... we all have our opinions. I believe in clean eating, whether it be carbs or proteins or fats. But, I'm not about to go tell someone else how they should eat after they've done their research AND with their doctors to know what is right for them. its unfair to think that everyone should be on the same lifestyle plan. we are not all the same, thank goodness.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • SaveTheDrama
    Yes u would. If you ate 4 eggs a day for a year and took out the yoke you would save 74000 cals which at 3500 cals per pound of body fat is 20 pounds. Its all about the numbers

    It is not ALL about the numbers. There are way to many factors that go into losing weight and those factors are determined on an individual basis. A lot of time things may look good on paper, but in real life we are all different and there is not one equation or formula that will work the same for every person on this earth.

    By the way I don't count calories either and I think I have done dang good with my weightloss and I have been able to stop all my medications and control my problems with diet and exercise. Like I said we are all different.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yes u would. If you ate 4 eggs a day for a year and took out the yoke you would save 74000 cals which at 3500 cals per pound of body fat is 20 pounds. Its all about the numbers

    It is not ALL about the numbers. There are way to many factors that go into losing weight and those factors are determined on an individual basis. A lot of time things may look good on paper, but in real life we are all different and there is not one equation or formula that will work the same for every person on this earth.

    By the way I don't count calories either and I think I have done dang good with my weightloss and I have been able to stop all my medications and control my problems with diet and exercise. Like I said we are all different.

    She is not worth the time or words............That is why I stopped while I was ahead when I realized she was trying to bait me into an argument.
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm not trying to bait you I'm trying to help you. I think my body speaks for itself when it comes to weightloss info I give. You don't wanna listen its really not a big deal. But I will say diabeties just doesn't happen