Weight watchers



  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    astrampe wrote: »
    Yes, if you stop doing WW, the weight will come back. That's true of any weight loss program. It works while you're working it!
    Not true...I lost 40lbs on WW and kept it off...I left them because I was doing it online and their Canadian database sucked....WW did teach me lots about portion control and macros..

    I was referring to people who stop doing the program and then go back to their original eating habits. Sounds to me though that you were still doing the program even though you weren't actually a member. So I stand by my original statement.

  • jenring3
    jenring3 Posts: 47 Member
    I lost over 60 lbs and have kept it off since 2006 with weight watchers. I like the points because they reflect more than just calories do - the points factor in the macros and the designed 'power foods' help you zero in on whole, healthy foods to make your individual budget out of. You learn pretty quickly how to maximize the budget and over time you really start to change your habits so they become automatic...the key to keeping weight off. If you make temporary changes you'll get temporary weight loss. I also think smaller numbers are more meaningful to me and easier to deal with. I lose track of the larger calorie numbers. I track here as well because the database is bigger and I do like the macro charts. Full disclosure - I do work for weight watchers now. Which is also what I liked about WW as a member. Everyone that works there has come from the membership - no hired sales staff as counselors who can't really relate to weight loss.
  • kniemeier1
    kniemeier1 Posts: 15 Member
    I did WW a few years ago and lost 50 lbs. I quit thinking I would lose the last 35 lbs on my own. I managed to maintain, but my weight didn't go down. So I am doing WW again. I was doing MFP, and I had very little success. I'd lose, then gain, then lose. Plus it was a daily thing, and if I screwed up a day, then I just didn't worry about the rest of the day. WW had daily points but also has weekly points so if I mess up a day, I still pay attention because I don't want to mess up my whole week. My first three weeks on WW, and I have lost 4 pounds. I think paying for it helps me (I pay $19.95/month for the online program). I also eat healthier because fruits and veggies are zero points. If I am going to eat 100 calories (typical for a large banana), I'll more than likely pick a cookie or fiber one brownie instead. They have an online community, which I enjoy. I think it depends on what works for you though. MFP didn't work well for me but WW does so I'm sticking with it. But if MFP works for you, I'd stick with it (especially since it is free!). If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I don't track on here, but I still get on to keep up with my friends and their progress!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    The price all depends on what you sign up for (online, meetings, or both) and whatever specials they have going on at the time.

    I did WW a few times and while it was helpful in some areas like helping me focus on making healthier choices there were a lot of things that I didn't like about it as time went on. The main thing was their database and how outdated and incomplete it was. They have a barcode scanner on their app that I found to be fairly useless, especially if I bought store brand items. I even had trouble finding their own products on there.

    I also managed to stress myself out pretty bad worrying about the numbers. Getting 27-28 points a day messed with my head a little since the number sounded so small. If breakfast or lunch was over 7 or 8 points I would worry that I wouldn't have enough to get through the rest of the day. Once I hit my 10% goal I found myself stressing over the fact that I would have to pick a goal weight soon. I didn't want to have to pay out of pocket for a doctor's note to set a higher goal for me (I didn't have insurance at the time). Once I switched to MFP I felt I had control over my goals and having almost 1500 calories to eat set my mind at ease. I don't blame WW for any of that but that was my personal experience with it.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I thought that WW was a great program, but I came to find MFP and get to use the $ once spent on WW for my Y membership! Win-Win!!
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I've had success with WW in the past. I liked it because it still allowed me to eat what I wanted without having to give up certain food or only eat their products. Everyone is different and not everything works the same for everyone. I still prefer counting calories and eating everything in moderation. I don't believe restrictions work.