Anyone else have trouble eating at least 1200?



  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    You can make really good ranch dip out of fat free greek yogurt. I'm not the world's biggest fan of raw carrots, but I love cherry tomatoes dipped in it.
  • memubo99
    memubo99 Posts: 58 Member
    OMG I wish I had a problem of trying to reach 1200 cals, my problen is trying to stick to 1400. I find that I actually crave more food than I am getting. I am doing low carb now for about 10 weeks and its a struggle.
  • cowboy032587
    cowboy032587 Posts: 24 Member
    I understand the issue, I can eat 17-1800 calories a day but my issue is netting over 12-1300 calories. My workouts are pretty intense so after the calories burnt in those workouts are taken out I barely get it over.
  • shardidecker
    Please, if you don't understand the question... don't post.

    I really am having a similar problem, because staying under my daily sugar intake is making it hard to find calorie dense foods that don't have high sugar... I've found that beans, nuts, and grains help A LOT. For instance, Steeled Oats cooked like oatmeal, millet (not puffed cereal, but whole millet) quinot, kidney beans, brown rice. Just one cup cooked adds plenty of calories for me. Fish is also a great suggestion, its lite on the tummy, and usually pretty easy to bake.

    I feel I get frustrated because healthier choiced foods are lower in calories and are more filling in general. I have to eat every 1-2 hours because I get full quickly and then hungry and hour later. But I'm hitting my goals- I would suggest checking out Food Addicts Anonymous

    This food plan helps to guide me because I'm pre-diabetic and I have had to cut out refined carbohydrates as per my doctor. I think it could help you too. Just make your meals smaller and more frequent so you can get through them and always work with your doctor.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I have the opposite problem! Most days it feels so difficult to stay under my goal!

    However, one thing I've learned along the way is that if you're obese, your appetite is messed up. There was a documentary on TV a while back which explained that instead of feeling hungry before meals and satiated after eating, obese people feel slightly hungry all the time, and never feel completely satiated. So you're getting a constant message to eat, and never really getting a message to stop.

    I know this is the opposite of what you're describing, but the funny thing is that I've sometimes felt less hungry on days when I've eaten less. I can sometimes feel some symptoms of hunger (dizziness, moodiness, etc.) without actually ever feeling hunger pangs. That TV programme helped to explain for me that it's not just the feeling of satiety that is out of whack, but also the feeling of hunger. If I eat more, I actually seem to feel hungrier sometimes. Not that I think hunger is such a bad thing. I like to think that feeling hungry before meals means that I'm feeling more like a slimmer person.

    Anyway, my point is, that if you're obese or have been obese, you probably can't trust your feelings of hunger or satiety. Don't "listen to your body" because your body lies to you! I usually have set meal times, and I eat at those mealtimes, regardless of whether I'm hungry or not. I'm doing that to try to cut down my calories, but it might also work to help increase your calories. I'm not talking about forcing food down, but about not missing a planned meal just because you don't feel hungry. (If I was still struggling I would have no problem adding a good few extra calories with concentrated foods such as nuts, cheese, avocado, mayonnaise, etc).

    This is just the way I see it - YMMV, of course. But good luck!
  • TheRainQueen
    TheRainQueen Posts: 43 Member
    It may depend what you do within your nutrition but I have the same problem and also DO NOT have an eating disorder. Dont worry about other people who may assume. It is their concern/ignorance that makes them ask/think this about others. I started adding in more calorie dense things and this helps me (I was consuming large amounts of veggies and fruits). Hope things become easier! I put a friend add out to you as I also love video games and anime haha.
  • phurst00
    phurst00 Posts: 100 Member
    If you're eating all fat-free dairies like I was, I would at least switch to the low-fat variety. I was drinking almond and soy milk for a while and went back to 2% milk - not only do I actually ENJOY 2% milk, it doesn't come anywhere close to putting me too high in sugars, calories etc for the day. Also don't be afraid to use some shredded cheese or condiments now and then - just keep an eye on the sodium when it comes to ketchup, salsa etc.

    An easy, cheap and tasty way to boost your calories in a healthy way is natural (no-stir) peanut butter + celery, or almonds/other low-sodium nuts.

    If you're looking to boost up your total calories from a meal, brown rice and/or beans can be added to just about any meal and will add a decent amount of fiber amongst other things. I personally love mixing black beans with a bit of brown rice and tomatoes - hides the black bean taste and is very filling!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Pick more calorie dense foods.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Do the opposite of all the diet advice: avoid things that fill you or kill your appetite (soup, salad, coffee..) and replace them with calorie dense foods. I didn't have this problem at 1200kcal, but I did when I tried upping to maintenance.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    When I eat a chick-fil-a spicy deluxe sandwich with fries, polynesian sauce, and sweet tea I would clock about 1100 in one sitting. It's tough for me to imagine eating 1100 for the entire day and not feel hungry.
  • summerlover07
    Honestly I had over 2000 calories today and I all I am craving right now is sushi. So yes. I have trouble with that.
  • lisas1019
    lisas1019 Posts: 30
    I am new here, but thought I would chip in. I have a VERY hard time making it to 1200 calories... and no I do not have an eating disorder. I take adderall for one, which wipes out your appetite and I just forget.. and second, I simply have never been a big eater. Since I have been tracking my calories, I'm usually around 500... and it's really hard for me to eat more to get over that.
  • Cleaneatinggal23
    Cleaneatinggal23 Posts: 4 Member
    This reminds me of a TV programme in the UK called Secret Eaters. Severely overweight people questioned why they were so big as they ate hardly any food. One woman estimated that she ate around 1,200 calories a day. When the programme makers followed her with a camera, they found that she was eating about 3,000 calories. That was why she was so big. I honestly do not believe that you can get to 130 lb overweight without some serious gorging. Not eating 'small meals' (even of fast food). You need to seriously stuff your face to get there. So, the problem may lie in lack of knowledge of portion sizes. Otherwise, eat a handful of nuts every day. That will push you over the 1,200 mark no problem.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    This reminds me of a TV programme in the UK called Secret Eaters. Severely overweight people questioned why they were so big as they ate hardly any food. One woman estimated that she ate around 1,200 calories a day. When the programme makers followed her with a camera, they found that she was eating about 3,000 calories. That was why she was so big. I honestly do not believe that you can get to 130 lb overweight without some serious gorging. Not eating 'small meals' (even of fast food). You need to seriously stuff your face to get there. So, the problem may lie in lack of knowledge of portion sizes. Otherwise, eat a handful of nuts every day. That will push you over the 1,200 mark no problem.

    I love the secret eaters shows! I watch them on YouTube. Ermm tv has a bunch of episodes as well as supersize vs superskinny too. (not my channel :wink: )
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I enjoyed Secret Eaters, but to be honest, I don't think it applies to everyone. I got fat eating just a little bit too much. My portion sizes were OK - but they were average, and I needed less than average calories! I think it's quite true that it's easy to underestimate how much food you eat in a day (I know I often didn't "count" food I ate while cooking!), but I don't think most people are accidentally eating takeaways and not remembering it.

    Anyway, I just wanted to add that sometimes medical problems can interfere with your appetite, so that's something to consider if you're struggling to eat enough.
  • lisas1019
    lisas1019 Posts: 30
    This reminds me of a TV programme in the UK called Secret Eaters. Severely overweight people questioned why they were so big as they ate hardly any food. One woman estimated that she ate around 1,200 calories a day. When the programme makers followed her with a camera, they found that she was eating about 3,000 calories. That was why she was so big. I honestly do not believe that you can get to 130 lb overweight without some serious gorging. Not eating 'small meals' (even of fast food). You need to seriously stuff your face to get there. So, the problem may lie in lack of knowledge of portion sizes. Otherwise, eat a handful of nuts every day. That will push you over the 1,200 mark no problem.

    Not completely true... mix in health issues, medications, and a very early hysterectomy without hormone replacements.. very easy to gain weight without much action on your part.
  • EliseBoisvenu
    I have this problem, I'm usually under 1200 by a couple hundred calories and I hate it. I don't want to slow my metabolism down. So I've been searching this subject for a half hour now. I eat all meals, don't snack a lot though. I'm just trying to figure out things I can add to my meals or quick and easy snacks for on the go that are healthy rather than just adding calories of any sort for the sake of adding calories.

    So far I've read a lot about nuts, fatty fish, olive oil...
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Yes. Just do a reverse on what people suggest to eat a healthy diet, but use mostly healthy foods.

    Drink your calories.

    1 scoop whey protein. 1 frozen banana. Artificial sweetener if you want it. Blend with 4 ice cubes. Easy 350 calories

    High density calories: low volume, high calorie health foods

    peanut butter, nuts. 2 handfuls are upwards of 400 calories. A mere 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on a piece of toast will net you 250.

    Whole grains: 200 calories for a 2 oz portion, and 6 + grams protein.
    Have a moderate bowl of two portions with some turkey chili and you've scooped up over 600 calories.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Yes. Just do a reverse on what people suggest to eat a healthy diet, but use mostly healthy foods.

    Drink your calories.

    1 scoop whey protein. 1 frozen banana. Artificial sweetener if you want it. Blend with 4 ice cubes. Easy 350 calories

    High density calories: low volume, high calorie health foods

    peanut butter, nuts. 2 handfuls are upwards of 400 calories. A mere 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on a piece of toast will net you 250.

    Whole grains: 200 calories for a 2 oz portion, and 6 + grams protein.
    Have a moderate bowl of two portions with some turkey chili and you've scooped up over 600 calories.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Eat calorie dense foods such as nuts, avocados, whole milk. and chocolate. You could include a treat like ice cream or a cookie.