new goals at maintenance

Yay! We've achieved our weight loss goal!
What are your goals now? I am struggling with the monotony of "just" maintaining...
Thank you


  • massimo690
    massimo690 Posts: 9 Member
    I need to eat about 150 calories less than suggested to maintain my weight. Why is that? About monotony maybe you just need to change your menu, try new foods and activities.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Make fitness/activity goals for yourself. For example, get stronger through a strength training program, get faster and go longer distances (applicable to running, walking, biking, swimming, e.g.), or find a new fitness activity that is fun (hiking, climbing, join a training program for a race of some sort--anything from a 5K or half marathon to a Tough Mudder, Spartan race, or even a triathlon).

    The point is, whatever you choose to do should be fun, challenging, have progressive goals, and helps you maintain a healthful lifestyle on your terms.
  • Nezz123
    Nezz123 Posts: 35 Member
    Congratulations! To break up the monotony of just maintaining, sometimes its fun to train and experiment with what your body can do, especially when it's lighter. I'm close to my goal weight, but curious to see how much I can improve my strength, stamina, and flexibility. And maybe lift my butt a little more! You've done the hard work--now just enjoy the fine-tuning! And see what your body can do! (I.e. yoga, pull-ups, distance swimming, martial arts...)
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    For me I'm always working towards reaching new fitness goals. For example I'm currently working on increasing my number of pull-ups, so I'm working on my lifts to build up my upper body strength.

    Last year I worked on my endurance with speed walking and now I can go really fast for a long time and I no longer get sore or tired.

    I'm thinking about looking into powerrlifing in the near future. These fitness goals really help me and it feels great doing activities I've never done in my entire life and I'm almost 40! Who knows what I will get into down the road. :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I've been maintaining a while so weight and body composition are now "givens" rather than goals..... (Apologies if the goals don't mean much to people who don't cycle)

    2015 goals:
    Complete a few Audax 100km and at least one 200km cycling events (200km = 124 miles, a new PB).

    Sustain 200 watt average for an hour on indoor bike (then extend duration).

    Cycle 20 miles in an hour outdoors.

    Bench press BW x 1.5 which is 112kg or 246lbs. (Current PB - 105kg)

    Do handstand push ups without looking stupid or breaking my neck (done, but the looking stupid part is debatable).

    BTW - I'm 55 years young so setting new fitness/strength PBs is probably a bigger thing to me than it used to be.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    edited March 2015
    Not at maintenance yet (some more lbs to lose), but what's rapidly becoming my goal is perpetual improvement, and the structure to support that. Namely that's something that shall help keep body fat under control, while allowing myself to grow and fuel myself at the same time body-wise. The activities I see as an evolving group, and pretty much all focussed on the goal of an optimal, functional body.

    Right now I do calisthenics and walk, and see some yoga/ pilates, some sprinting, and probably some martial arts in the near future. Whatever lies ahead, it's interesting to see what's around the next corner, and I like the organic unfolding of things. Central to it all is being able to maintain what I've achieved, so I can build on it, or have specific actions to take if I feel my weight, bodyfat level, or body composition need adjusting :smile:

    I think like anything, you need to keep moving. Threading water is no fun, so if you're finding it monotonous just maintaining your weight, perhaps you need some other fun stuff to focus on :smile: Set yourself some good stuff to aim for, and even if you fall short, at least you have something to aim for, and will probably do better failing at a slightly lofty goal than just having a goal to maintain the status quo. This is the fun part, give yourself some scope to play, explore and try out some new stuff with your improved body! :smile:
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I give myself a weekly goal and I have joined a walking group on here where we set a number of miles that we challenge ourselves to walk monthly. This month I challenged myself to 90 miles and I am at 89 miles as of this morning. Last weeks challenge for me personally was to do 20 pushups and 50 squats daily. Next week I will aim to hold my plank longer and do another 50 squats daily. My goal is to continue to get fit and stronger day by day. I refuse to settle just because I weigh a certain amount. This is a lifestyle change and I plan on doing this until I drop dead.