Ankle pain during the 30 Day Shred

KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
I'm on day 9 of the 30 Day Shred and my ankle has been hurting for the last few days. I think I may have landed on it the wrong way or something. The pain is at the front of my ankle and it hurts whenever I walk, let alone while doing jumping jacks. The pain isn't excruciating, and I've still been doing 30DS (but putting less pressure on it), but it doesn't seem to be going away. Any tips/advice? Thanks!


  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    Stop jumping. See a doctor. Get an x-ray.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    I think I actually hurt my ankle during the cool down stretching when I was doing level 1 of 30DS. I was better about 3 days later, and I never stopped, just modified to put less pressure on it.
  • KimMc60
    KimMc60 Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks! I"m gonna ice it tonight and see if it helps. Tomorrow is the last day of level one and then I'm taking a rest day, so hopefully it'll feel better for level two!
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    If you feel discomfort or are hurting its not good to continue exercising on it, you could actually make it worst by doing so. If I were you I would take a few days off from it.