Cheat and rest days???


Are cheat and rest days the same day? What is a cheat day? How many rest days because the thought of one is killing me...haha


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited March 2015
    A rest day is an intregal part of your training regimen...exercise is good for you...but it's also hard on the body and the body requires rest to repair itself. You should look at is as a "recovery" day. It doesn't mean you have to sit around doing means you should rest from vigorous activity to allow for recovery...where fitness is concerned, recovery is just as important as the actual work.

    A cheat day means different things to different people...for me, the notion of a "cheat" illustrates a *kitten* relationship with food...but that's just me.

    ETA: when I'm cutting, I do have days where I go over but I rarely go over maintenance...I guess some people would consider that cheating, but I don't...I'm not doing anything wrong. Cheating implies that you're doing something "bad" and I just don't think about food that way.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    It differs from person to person. In my case, I don't rest during my cheat meal. I usually workout to make up for it. It's really up to you. And oh I don't have cheat DAY only a meal. please know the difference :#
  • geovanimbenitez840
    geovanimbenitez840 Posts: 9 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    A rest day is an intregal part of your training regimen...exercise is good for you...but it's also hard on the body and the body requires rest to repair itself. You should look at is as a "recovery" day. It doesn't mean you have to sit around doing means you should rest from vigorous activity to allow for recovery...where fitness is concerned, recovery is just as important as the actual work.

    A cheat day means different things to different people...for me, the notion of a "cheat" illustrates a *kitten* relationship with food...but that's just me.

    This is very good I agree. Just to add a little bit. Rest days are extremely important because that's when you're actually getting big or toning up. In the gym you rip the muscles. When you rest the muscles rebuild and become stronger and bigger. But remember the gym is only 50%. You're diet plays a huge role in terms of the results you desire. Eat healthy :)

    A cheat day for me is when you take a day and eat anything you want. Of course don't go crazy but do it in portions. Have a good breakfast as always but after that eat out if Ya and have an Icecream. That's usually what my cheat day looks like :P
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    Rest day as above, its important you take at least one a week for your body to recover.

    Cheat days are completely different and seem to involve eating more calories than your allowance. Cheat meals the same, it cna be a wind down, but make sure you realise that you will need to burn off those excess calories, so imo they should be used sparingly if at all. You ned up cheating yourself.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Rest days are very important, and you can find data on them all over, but I will post about cheat days.

    I *LOVE* cheat days. As a man who does not like vegetables, does not eat hardly any fruit, and consists mostly on meat, having a balanced diet (not ON a diet mind you) is hard for me. I have to work everyday to eat correctly, and while a lot of it has become second nature, a other lot has not. Cheat days for me serve two purposes.

    #1. It does not feel like a chore staying healthy. Because I set aside myself a single day a week to eat/drink what I want (in moderation, come on now) it allows me a release from the hard work daily of doing it correctly.

    #2. I feel that a cheat day tricks your body into not settling into a routine and thus hitting that wall faster. Intermittent fasting also really helps that too(leangains) but this free day really keeps my body going "huh?". And i switch it up, might be a Frida, or a sat, sun... you gt the idea.

    This is 100% my personal opinion, and who knows it may be wrong, but it really has worked for me both for health and for sanity.
  • jdpemberton7
    jdpemberton7 Posts: 9 Member
    thanks for the question and the feedback, this has helped me with rest days. I always feel guilty when it comes to rest. I forget the body has to "recover" I'm new to MFP but I enjoy all of you sharing your experiences and taking the time to give good feedback...thanks again!
  • rcatherinejane576
    rcatherinejane576 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone. Cheat day means I'll have a piece of carrot cake-with coconut sugar, not real sugar, to celebrate the start of spring. I have two little kids so lazy is not in my vocabulary. Haha. I am pretty sore everywhere so I guess recovery is needed
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I'm doing Insanity and my recovery day is every Thursday. I still exercise, but it's not as intense. And my 'cheat' day is Sunday. No workouts, and I eat whatever I want without logging.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I try for one rest day a week. I don't do "cheat days". I try to do little cheats within a few meals a week (eating at my folks or when I go out to a restaurant) instead of blowing it all in one day.
  • rcatherinejane576
    rcatherinejane576 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a glass of wine and a big piece of carrot cake. I eat all veggies and fruit so I'll be fine with it. It feels awful doing nothing, so I went for a walk and it isn't the same. I might have to do some good night yoga. I like seeing what everyone else does, and I lost four pounds this week so I guess it's deserved!
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Cheat days to me is when you go over your alloted caloric intake

    You can make ur rest day ur cheat day but keep ur cheat days once a week or once every two weeks