Feeling pukey whilst at the gym

Ellst85 Posts: 30 Member
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi- does anyone have any suggestions to why this may be ? I've been going to the gym for about three weeks now. And every time, every single time whilst I'm trying to do my work out I feel like I'm going to be sick. I do a ten minute run on the treadmill and then do about 30mins or so of lifting- mostly with kettle bells and dumbells. I'm only using a 12kg kettle bell and I'm really concerned that I'm going to find it really difficult to increase weights and things because I feel as though I have to cut stuff short because of feeling sick. It doesn't seem to change depending on when I eat either. I do have crohns so my stomach can be a little unpredictable. Any suggestions? ? Or is this something that will just stop over time?


  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I've thrown up twice doing Insanity and I asked people about it and its more common than you think. The majority rules it's dehydration and loss of electrolytes. Make sure you're eating enough too.
  • tiffhall28
    tiffhall28 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to always feel sick while running it slowly just faded away.
  • Anahita_Swims
    Anahita_Swims Posts: 4,127 Member
    lucozade :)
  • mindpowerJohn
    mindpowerJohn Posts: 7 Member
    I work out in morning so for breakfast I have a Premier Protein Shake 1 Premixed shake. its 160 calories ,4g cabs 3g fat Protein 30g Cholest 25mg Sodium 270 and Sugar 1g The protein shake will take the place of a meal and builds lean muscle
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    It will pass. Just keep at it.
  • crazydogladyjess
    crazydogladyjess Posts: 128 Member
    You may be pushing yourself too hard. It also can be due to your food. Either you need to eat before your workout, or need to not eat. It could be due to what you are eating as well. Do the best you can do, without making yourself sick, and play around with your eating/workout schedule until you find what works for you.
  • Ellst85
    Ellst85 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the info guys! It's bizarre! I was nearly sick twice just on my induction- the pt made me run for three minutes and I had to stop, it was so cringe, I keep water with me and just sip it no gulping etc and am generally one of the most well watered people I know!
    - I'm on holiday from work at the moment so just going when I get up about an hour after I've had breakfast- I wonder if it will be different if I do it in the evenings when I'm back at work or like some of you have said it just passes over time once your body gets used to the shock!
  • crazydogladyjess
    crazydogladyjess Posts: 128 Member
    Do you have any blood pressure or circulation concerns? You might want to try doing some sit/stand BP and HR readings if it continues...to make sure there isn't an underlying medical concern that needs to be addressed.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    jessaha wrote: »
    You may be pushing yourself too hard. It also can be due to your food. Either you need to eat before your workout, or need to not eat. It could be due to what you are eating as well. Do the best you can do, without making yourself sick, and play around with your eating/workout schedule until you find what works for you.

    This +1 just be patient with yourself. If its being out of condition then you will improve. You will find a sweet spot, which pushes you without overdoing it.

    Eat some carbs about an hour before as well as sip the water so you are hydrated.