HELP! Insanity Questions, How often?

I was wondering how often I should do insanity. I did Ripped in 30 like 5-6 days a week, but started insanity and it says to do 6 times a week. I am still sore in week 2. I have a full time serving job so I was thinking every 2/3 days, take a day break, then do again for another 2/3 days.

But, I am so exhausted and tired and I think I have pulled something, so I am thinking every day? Insanity is no joke!

I am not very big, I'm a size 0. I'm 5'5/5'6 and 132 pounds, so I am pretty small. All I really need to tone right now are my lower abs.

What do you think? I just feel so conflicted when I don't work out every day. I feel so bad when I don't!
