adding friends

How does it work to add friends? I'm not sure how this community thing works. I would like to find people with similar goals, needing to get over that stubborn wall. Overall, after 2 years, I've lost a total of 95 lbs. It all started by simply giving up all sodas. No other change or exercise, 10 lbs lost by giving up sodas. From there, started walking, portion controlling same meals (nothing too frastic, love my foods). After I lost a few lbs, started mixing jogging and bike riding. From there, it got real. Changed my meals, more salads, lots of chicken, baked everything, cut back on sweets, Greek yogurt, green tea (lots of it), fruits,dark chocolate, oatmeal, less fried food and a whole lot less fast food. Hace a meal planned out and just drive by all fast food places. It's easy to go through the drive thru but if you have a meal planned out, you don't have to stop. This is what helped me. Everyone is different but patience and self discipline is important.