My new fitness hero :) Age does not matter.

LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
A few weeks ago, a physiotherapist suggested I give pilates a try, and I disovered a pilates class where the instructor is really awesome. It looks simple, but it extremely challenging, nothing like any other pilates class I have ever tried. Who could have guessed that a simple elastic band could bring to tears people routinely exercising with free weights?
Anyway, there was this tiny lady in front of me who was much older than me and it was a huge challenge to keep up with her, doing everything with perfect form and breathing, not once taking a break or "cheating". I started by telling myself "she is old to enough to be your mother, if she does not take breaks, neither do you". It was impossible.
I approached her to tell her I was really amazed by how fit she was and expected her to tell me she has been in this class for years. Nope, she is in her late 60s, and this was her second pilates lesson. She only came because she heard it was really hard, and she hates workouts that do not challenge her. I have a new hero. If I am half as fit as she is at her age, I will feel more than awesome!