A question for Dads

I am a new father myself. My question is did you gain weight when your kids were born? If so, how much and why?

I know that I will spend less time exercising now that the baby is here. It is also more tempting to order food rather than cook it. So, if you have a secret to not gaining please share that too!


  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    My son just turned 2. I gained about 50 pounds by the time he was 22 months old. I don't really know why I gained it, maybe I was just so tired I didn't care what I ate. I was losing weight before he was born, but once he was born the SHTF.
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    80% of what I "put on" was already there by the time she was born. The additional 20% came after. Fortunately, at this point, it's all gone.
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    I guess it depends on your situation at the time. I gained a bit of weight after my two younger kids were born. However, there were other things going on at the time too.
  • EricNewark
    EricNewark Posts: 295 Member
    Yeah I did some right after and yes it was more because I was helping with the baby and not as active. However after a month or so I was back outside. Get a stroller you can walk/jog with and you can jog the neighborhood or even walk fast for that matter. Wife will appreciate you getting him/her out of house for a bit so she can get a break and you get the added benefit of a "workout". Stay active.

    But more importantly enjoy every day. Congrats. You won't believe how fast the time goes.
  • ivanswift760
    ivanswift760 Posts: 5 Member
    Funny how I gained weight as my wife was pregnant. I gained about 20 pounds maxed out at 225. (Height 5'9).Secret is too count ur calories and cook ur own food not eat out. Or if u eat out make sure it's a healthy alternative. Chik fil a? Maybe. When my son was small I would watch him. My cardio went out the door. "Insanity" help me reliaze to use little room and excersise. Right now jump rope when I'm watching my son seems to work. Take advantage of nap time!!!!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm not a dad (which hopefully is obvious) but my father put on at least a stone when my mum was pregnant with both of my brothers. They'd get matching bellies.
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    A stone is a lot of weight to get in nine months for someone who isn't pregnant.
  • johnboy916
    johnboy916 Posts: 52 Member
    I packed on 20lbs when my wife was pregnant, then another 24lbs after the birth. My problem was I ate when the prego ate (I must say I did enjoy it). Then my my activity levels just went out the window helping with the baby plus continued over eating. Weighed a buff 205 prior to the prenancy then packed on the fat over time. I stayed 249lbs for 9 years up until last august when I had enough. Blood pressure was high, back hurt all the time, and I didn't like my triple chin. I started calorie counting, no more fast food (I do indulge once a week for craving purposes). I don't exercise much except for light weight lifting 3 times a week. I am now 214lbs Simply by using this app. Strict calorie counting, 1 cheat day, and self discipline. I eat 5 times during work days and 3 meals on my days off. Each day is allowed 1690 calories. Determination to achieve your goals will empower your ability to stay on track
    Good luck.