21 Day Fix?



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I'm finishing up round 1 and plan on starting round 2 on 6 April. There's a group here on MFP for people doing 21DF. We're sharing encouragement, tips, and recipes. If you're interested, here's the link:

    No coaches. Just people trying to do their best to be stronger and lose some weight. (I have lost weight but won't do my official weigh-in/measurements until Sunday. But yes, I am definitely seeing results!)
  • sandee516
    sandee516 Posts: 30 Member
    Awesome!! Thanks! I will hop on that thread too!!
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    OMFG, 21 day fix is the best thing to happen to the universe since God!!!

    I admit when a friend first introduced me to 21 day fix, I was like, REALLY skeptical. I mean, who would be dumb enough to pay over 100 bucks for a 5 dollar workout video, some instant shake powder, and 2 dollars worth of cheesy colored Tupperware, right?

    But I was!

    Now, I'm only on day 2 and already I added 10 lbs of muscle, lost 20 lbs of fat, lost 37 inches off my waist, qualified for the next olympics, and passed the Pope's requirements for sainthood! Not only that, but my lost dog came back, my mother got out of prison, my wife left that doctor she ran off with and returned to me, my mother-in-law burst a blood vessel in her brain and dropped dead instantly, my you-know-what grew 3 inches, my lost shot gun has been found, I won the state lottery twice in one day, and so much much more!

    I can't wait to see what happens on day 3 tomorrow!

    ETA: Oh, most importantly, I am not a Beach Body coach, so I am not compensated for making these clearly unbiased statements.
