How do I change my step goal?

On the MFP app "home" tab it shows my daily step goal as 10,000 steps. Does anyone know where I can change this?


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    in the app, slide the menu open, go to settings. it should say steps there. do you have a device synced up for counting steps? if so, then you might even have to change it there and not MFP
  • Sydying
    Sydying Posts: 1 Member
    i have changed it on connected device, garmin vivoacitve, but it is still showing 10,000 steps, can we change it?
  • lilscubagirl
    lilscubagirl Posts: 7 Member
    Mine is stuck on 10,000 as well. Was trying to check the website to see if it can be changed online as well. Anyone know where to find it online??
  • dave3249
    dave3249 Posts: 1 Member
    I changed my step goal in Google Fit to 2000, but MFP still says 10,000. Apparently, the two apps do not synch. Has anyone figured out how to manually set step goal in MFP?
  • Andarre
    Andarre Posts: 1 Member
    How does this make sense? We pay for a monthly premium to use this app, the app has the ability to connect to various step tracking apps and hardware, HOW DOES IT NOT CHANGE THE STEPS YOU TRACK BASED ON WHAT YOU'VE SET IN YOUR STEP TRACKING APP?!?!? I may need to look at another app if they can't figure this out. It's such simple functionality.