I have so little motivation lately, What motivates you to start your workout?



  • Lambrah
    Lambrah Posts: 45 Member
    The hardest door is your front door. i find dressing in gym clothes way before i hit the gym helps me get out of the house, then once im in my car, there's no stopping me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I want to compete in power lifting one day. It's not just something I do for fat loss. It is my life now. So...I'm motivated.

    I'm NOT motivated for cardio. So I don't do much, but when I need to I...Never mind I have no advice for you there.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    The only persons who can motivate you is yourself. No external people, forces, or endless forum posts! I am motivated by the scales. I weigh every morning. If I have gained weight, I am discouraged but motivated. If I lost weight, I am excited but motivated. I take stock of what I've eaten, and usually when I have gained weight is when I ate out. Overall, I've lost 20 pounds (ten before I joined MFP, and ten since) and I'm loving every minute of this journey. People are actually starting to notice I have lost weight. Yes, it's taken six months, but it too a WHOLE lot longer than six months to put that 20 pounds on!
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I signed up for a race. If I don't train it will suck. I also do a lot of training with freinds and enjoy the social aspects.
  • acard2008
    I know that if I exercise, I feel happier/less anxious/less worrisome. On the flip side, I know if I don't exercise, my anxious energy will grow and I'll start feeling more down. That's motivating to me. :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'm registered for some races, so i guess i'm motivated to do well on race day.
  • taylorizal
    taylorizal Posts: 25 Member
    When I'm sitting on the couch or on the computer doing nothing, I think about why I'm not working out instead and I can never think of a good enough reason. Plus I just think about how good I feel post-workout. It works for me.
  • wackyncrazy1
    wackyncrazy1 Posts: 56 Member
    when i don't want to go work out and i know i have to looking at myself naked will get me moving
  • ashliij
    ashliij Posts: 54
    I usually listen to some good, upbeat music to get myself "in the mood" and just force myself to get up and start either with my normal reps or dancing. Signing up for races as previously mentioned is a great idea too if you're able.
  • landfish
    landfish Posts: 255 Member
    Man boobs.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I have workout equipment at home, and I can do the elliptical while watching my favorite shows. I never have a good excuse to NOT workout. Unless I am just so tired I go right to bed, I can always do at least 30 minutes while I watch TV after work.
  • kimberlyanne0522
    kimberlyanne0522 Posts: 38 Member
    Try any one of the beach body 21 day fit programs. The are dvd based and there are many programs to chose from (from yoga to cardio kick boxing to P-90X). They are all motivational! The 21 day program comes with shakeology (beach body's awesome protein shake powder) and assignment to a beach body trainer for additional help or the extra push. You'll love these programs... I have done a few and they are ok awesome!! Good luck!!
  • taraaaxo
    taraaaxo Posts: 12
    I know this sounds pretty childish but it works for me whenever im in a slump and i dont feel like getting up i google image search "thim slick" and my ideal body shows up, makes me hop right out of bed and hit the gym!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    One day I just resolved to do it. I dont look for motivation. I dont give myself the choice. I just do it.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    I sign up and pre-pay for classes 3x a week. I find winter is harder to motivate than summer too.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    I look at my gut and butt. They have to go. Well the gut has to go, the butt sort of has to restructure itself. If it could just mush into something better than wide and flat. Patience and consistency. Those are the keys. Patience, of course, is the hardest.
  • dterpsy
    dterpsy Posts: 27 Member
    I've found that morning is best for me, only because I have three very active children and it's often difficult to schedule in a workout in the evening. I also get everything ready the night before so that I can sleep a little longer, then get up, get dressed and walk out the door (or go to the basement if I'm working out at home)

    I joined a fitness program that put participants in teams to compete against each other to see which team lost more weight, so my initial motivation was wanting to help my team and wanting to beat everyone else for most weight lost (I didn't). Now that I'm almost at my goal, my motivation is to keep looking and feeling the way I do. I didn't like the way I looked or felt in January. I don't want to go back to that, not for all the cookies and chocolate in the world!
  • plutonianfrog
    Not thinking about it, just thinking about it as scheduled time do this activity rather than exercise weight loss and all the baggage.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    edited March 2015
    Not thinking about it, just thinking about it as scheduled time do this activity rather than exercise weight loss and all the baggage.

    Yep, this is me too.

    Also once you get in the habit, you will start to feel guilty and/or 'itchy' for missing days. I workout 4-6 days a week, either in the gym during the week or out hiking on weekends. Yesterday, I did squats and my quads are DONE. I was going to row today, but um, yeah, no that's not going to happen. But even though I know I have good reason for not doing the cardio I was planning, I still feel 'bad' for not doing it. I will go to the gym in a minute, but only to do some 3mph walking on the treadmill, but no pushing it, no steep inclines. I will wear my work clothes to keep me in check. :p I will see how I feel tomorrow or Sunday and row one of those days instead. Once you get started exercising, it is hard to stop. Motivation finds itself somehow.
  • dimeda78
    dimeda78 Posts: 44 Member
    Since I have started using a program from the bodybuilding.com website, I am much more motivated because I have structure and a plan.