OVER my intake?

ashasm Posts: 35
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Every other day except today (I need grocery's, today was a big order out day) I'm UNDER my calorie goal (but never by more than 500) but today Im over by 97..

Will this affect my weight loss any?


  • irishpagan
    irishpagan Posts: 30
    Only if you go over every day. 97 calories really isnt that much, so don't stress about it! If you're usually under your goal ever day, going over one tiny bit won't hurt.
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    Heck no!!! Just don't over do it. If you go under some days and over others, your doing exactly what you should be doing. The number is more of a guide than a definite.
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