HELP!!!! I've started binge eating after losing 5lbs



  • Milotic2015
    Milotic2015 Posts: 51 Member
    @drslee123 I know how you feel, I had a 2 cheat days and ended up gaining a pound. One of my cheat days had very high sodium from eating a famous bowl from kfc, I didn't realize how high the sodium of that one meal was until i entered it on to mfp, The following day I Choosed a healthier option but still ate more than i should have. It took me just a little over a week just to lose that one pound by watching what i eat and countinuing with my excersises. My family is very big with sweets and junk food, It's hard to say no especially when you yourself is adicted to them. So i don't say no, I now allow myself One little piece of the sweet just as long as it fits into my calorie Goal. I usually though look for a healthier option first. Like for instance say there's a Cake with frosting and A cake without frosting, Choose the cake without frosting and only do a little piece. Or you could choose a fruit or Vegi to munch on instead of choosing any of the cakes.
    Hope this helps.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Is it meals or snacking that's the major problem? For me, it's snacking. A very wise woman from this board said to me once, drink 2 glasses of water bf snacking. Then if you still want that fatty snack, eat something healthier first (apple, raw veggies etc). If you still want that snack.... Stand naked in front of the mirror and eat it.
    Meals...portion. Do away with food on the table but portion meals. And smaller plates!
  • ardiamckenzie
    ardiamckenzie Posts: 7 Member
    I work in an office that has treats brought in and it's almost always someone's birthday. The key is planning your whole days meals on MFP from the night before and you will know exactly how much fat, cal, salt etc you have left to play with, you may be able to have a little slice of cake (scrape off the icing/frosting) but what gives me the greatest feeling is saying no, even if my tummy screams yes, I am the master of my cravings and I will not let fat win :blush:
  • GypsyByTheSea
    GypsyByTheSea Posts: 529 Member
    Someone very wise once told me, "When you are ready to lose the weight and get healthy - you will". They were right.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    Okay I checked out this post because I am on the same spiral! I kicked butt the last several weeks and lost weight - cheated on Saturday HEAVILY and haven't gotten back on track yet. I kind of tried, but then baked cookies with my kids yesterday...I told my husband last night I just don't even want to try anymore. I did do a lite work out yesterday - less than half what I normally do. Maybe that's the trick...start small and work back into it?! Ugh!! This sucks!
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Are you cutting out foods? If so, maybe focus on portion control instead. When I cut foods, I crave them.
  • melizabird919
    melizabird919 Posts: 29 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! Think about wether you'd be happy if you never ever ate sweets and treats. I know I wouldn't be. Its is all about moderation right? - and I think as some smart women that have already posted have said, being smart about those "splurges" if your attempting to lose weight, and working them into daily goals. I've been given the advice - don't focus on cutting out foods from your diet, but add healthy foods into your diet and your may not feel as deprived. Good luck!
  • drslee123
    drslee123 Posts: 13 Member
    missyjg99 wrote: »
    Is it meals or snacking that's the major problem? For me, it's snacking. A very wise woman from this board said to me once, drink 2 glasses of water bf snacking. Then if you still want that fatty snack, eat something healthier first (apple, raw veggies etc). If you still want that snack.... Stand naked in front of the mirror and eat it.
    Meals...portion. Do away with food on the table but portion meals. And smaller plates!

    I don't really snack, it's just my meal choices
  • drslee123
    drslee123 Posts: 13 Member
    lindsayh87 wrote: »
    Okay I checked out this post because I am on the same spiral! I kicked butt the last several weeks and lost weight - cheated on Saturday HEAVILY and haven't gotten back on track yet. I kind of tried, but then baked cookies with my kids yesterday...I told my husband last night I just don't even want to try anymore. I did do a lite work out yesterday - less than half what I normally do. Maybe that's the trick...start small and work back into it?! Ugh!! This sucks!

    I'm proud of myself because I finally went a whole day eating healthier foods and I was under my caloric intake goal :)
  • drslee123
    drslee123 Posts: 13 Member
    My goal now is to work on my portion
  • newmalik
    newmalik Posts: 6 Member
    drslee123 wrote: »
    Knowing that I've lost weight, has caused me to get so excited that one cheat day has turned into many cheat days. Now I'm trying to get back on track.

    Just start right now and just have cheat meals not days its easy to get off track all you need is to refocus on your goal.
  • cokefloat1
    cokefloat1 Posts: 86 Member
    I've not read through all the posts but I have the same issue after losing 10lbs. Self discipline is key and remember why you're trying to lose weight.

    I don't know if you're incorporating exercise into your lifestyle change but for me that is a key factor allowing me to eat treats. Give it a try, I find the thought of how much I'd need to do to work off a big treat enough motivation to not indulge!
  • drslee123
    drslee123 Posts: 13 Member
    cokefloat1 wrote: »
    I've not read through all the posts but I have the same issue after losing 10lbs. Self discipline is key and remember why you're trying to lose weight.

    I don't know if you're incorporating exercise into your lifestyle change but for me that is a key factor allowing me to eat treats. Give it a try, I find the thought of how much I'd need to do to work off a big treat enough motivation to not indulge!

    Great idea! :-)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    drslee123 wrote: »
    cokefloat1 wrote: »
    I've not read through all the posts but I have the same issue after losing 10lbs. Self discipline is key and remember why you're trying to lose weight.

    I don't know if you're incorporating exercise into your lifestyle change but for me that is a key factor allowing me to eat treats. Give it a try, I find the thought of how much I'd need to do to work off a big treat enough motivation to not indulge!

    Great idea! :-)

    The other great thing about exercise is that you can have goals and rewards that aren't related to the scale. Sometimes watching the scale wears me out, especially since my loss is so very can feel like a neverending the reward of feeling stronger boosts me during those times. I can remind myself, hey I did this workout this morning and killed it, but a few months ago I couldn't get through it at all. That's a surprisingly awesome feeling.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    drslee123 wrote: »
    cokefloat1 wrote: »
    I've not read through all the posts but I have the same issue after losing 10lbs. Self discipline is key and remember why you're trying to lose weight.

    I don't know if you're incorporating exercise into your lifestyle change but for me that is a key factor allowing me to eat treats. Give it a try, I find the thought of how much I'd need to do to work off a big treat enough motivation to not indulge!

    Great idea! :-)

    The other great thing about exercise is that you can have goals and rewards that aren't related to the scale. Sometimes watching the scale wears me out, especially since my loss is so very can feel like a neverending the reward of feeling stronger boosts me during those times. I can remind myself, hey I did this workout this morning and killed it, but a few months ago I couldn't get through it at all. That's a surprisingly awesome feeling.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    My .02 cents worth.. Why on earth do you work so hard to lose pounds and just eat it all back?

    It takes hours and hours and hours of mindful thinking to lose and make changes to your body as well as getting your mind right to make a commitment.. and one binge eating secession or meal turns catastrophic..

    Your mind was never right (committed) or this could not happen. I spend way too much time exercising, logging, thinking about food (can I eat this? how many calories is it? does it fit within my calorie window? how many carbs do I have left over? etc. etc..) to gain it back..

    Don't get it..
  • drslee123
    drslee123 Posts: 13 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    My .02 cents worth.. Why on earth do you work so hard to lose pounds and just eat it all back?

    You are so right! Good news.....I'M BACK ON TRACK. Luckily I didn't gain the weight back tho.