how to overcome bingeing

I cant stop bingeing i eat and eat and i cant make myself stop. I feel out of control, and hopeless. I am ashamed. How do i stop?


  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    firstly you need to understand why you're binging - i.e. why you're unhappy. Keeping occupied will help a lot (some people might make themselves exercise when they get the urge) but it helps if you ensure you don't have the rubbish in your house and get some other healthier bits to gorge on if you feel the need... i love red grapes, frozen is better because they last longer! hope that helps you
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I use to have a serious problem with this. I would binge and purge i realised that i was so caught up in the emotions i attached to food to food you need to realize its not food you need to overcome these emotions
  • sadiescully
    i used to suffer with this myself, especially if ive been dieting and then have a day off (which is not a good idea for our types) the all or nothing. All i can suggest is trying to bank exactly how bad you felt after youve done this. how ashamed and awful. it lasts for only moments the buzz but the buzz from following the diet lasts all day every day. Maybe your not ready to start a diet ?? I think once your in the mind set of succeeding YOU CAN DO IT !! im sorry if my reply isnt much help but feel free to add me if you like as i really do know where your coming from. its such a vicious cycle
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have a problem with this on my day off - I have too much extra time to worry.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    there are two kinds of bingeing, one is a psychological problem, the other is a normal physiological response to not eating enough. Some people suffer from both at the same time, i.e. the psychological problem they have with bingeing is made worse because they don't eat enough the rest of the time, so they're battling both things at the same time when they go on a binge. So whether the problem is primarily psychological or not, it's very important to make sure you're eating enough. The worst thing you can do after a binge is "punish" yourself by restricting what you eat. This is only likely to trigger more bingeing.

    So the first step is to make sure you're eating enough the rest of the time, that means enough in terms to the right number of calories. It also means enough as in all the nutrients your body needs, as insufficient amounts of individual nutrients in your diet can trigger bingeing too. So get enough protein, healthy fats (i.e. high in essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins), carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and fibre. And calculate your daily calorie needs (there are online calculators that do this, e.g. katch McArdle, Harris Benedict) and make sure you're eating enough.

    If bingeing is still a problem after you do this, or if you find it impossible to do the above, i.e. eat a healthy diet including the right amount of calories for your body, then seek counsellingtherapy from someone who is qualified and experienced at treating eating disorders. This will help you to get to the root of whatever psychological issues are causing the bingeing (or whatever psychological issues is preventing you from nourishing your body properly, if you're starving/excessively restricting between binges) and that will help you to fix it. You can't fix a deepseated psychological problem with willpower, you need to find out what subconscious beliefs and thoughts are responsible for it, and root them out. The right kind of counselling/therapy can help you to do that.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I'm struggling with this at the minute now, too. I've gone from not eating enough to not being able to stop binging and purging.
  • Mrsjones172
    Mrsjones172 Posts: 69 Member
    I feel your pain. I am much the same, I'm super good in the week and then it gets to the weekend and I feel I deserve a treat. I have 1 bad meal and some beer then boom all my hard work in the week is undone.

    I am need a treat every now and then so I am going to try 2 weekly cheat meals. Maybe you could try that? Have a specific cheat meal planned rather than just bingeing on the weekend (difficult, I know)

    Sorry if I am not much help, feel free to add me. I log EVERYTHING i eat even the bad stuff lol
  • griseldaperkins
    griseldaperkins Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have extensive advise other than.... Keep healthy snacks around. So whenever you feel the need to binge, at least you are eating healthy stuff. Also, I find that gum helps.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Figure out the underlying psychology of why you do it and work on that.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I was able to stop my binging by doing a low carb plan (Atkins) and not keeping the things I was binging on in the house. I was the type of person that if it was in the house, I would eat it with reckless abandonment. It was like I had tunnel vision and all I could think about was eating that particular food...and then when I did, I said "Well poop...I already messed up, might as well eat this and this and this since tomorrow I will get back on my diet".

    Low carbing made my cravings go away. I didn't have bags of chips, ice cream, donuts, cake, cookies etc in the pantry. When I felt the 'need' to binge, I would eat a big ol piece of protein...chicken, steak, etc. I didn't get through half of what I thought I could because you just don't 'want' it like the bad carbs.

    I no longer binge and keep myself in check. I still can't have a box of donuts or a whole cake in my house because I know I'll have the tendencies. I avoid anything that will give me the "Just eat it and pay for it later" thoughts. Certain cereals and even jars of peanut butter can't be kept in my house because then its all I think about and want to binge on them.

    I never saw a professional about my issues. I just know what my limits are and try to stick with them. Its still hard but I take one day at a time, as with anything that has to do with food.

    Good luck and stop playing that tape in your head that tells you to just go ahead and binge. Have the guts to tell that voice to go away and NOT do it. You'll feel so much better the next day.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    I cant stop bingeing i eat and eat and i cant make myself stop. I feel out of control, and hopeless. I am ashamed. How do i stop?

    Find the root of the problem and work it out. For me, I binge because of anxiety. Every time I am anxious and about to turn to food, I ask myself "will this binge solve my problem?" and then work it out from there. Doesn't work every time, but it gets me conscious of what I'm doing to myself.

    Be kind to your body.