17lbs down 14lbs to go!

so wanted to introduce myself I'm Emma, Married with two beautiful babies my youngest is 7 months old and I gained more than a few extra pounds in my pregnancy. At the beginning of the year I was 10st 10lbs and as I'm only 5ft 2 I was overweight! I've worked hard over the past 10 weeks and am now 9st 7lbs. I would like to lose another stone so I am smack bang in the middle of the healthy range on the BMI scale but think this last stone is going to be a lot harder! I have opened an Instagram account dedicated to my weightloss where I post pictures of what I'm eating, progress pictures and general statements and this really helps with inspiration and keeps me motivated! Feel free to follow me @emmasweightlossjourney2015 I suppose I am looking for extra support and hoping to support others in return!

Emma xxx