Hi :) need to lose weight for my wedding

Hi :) I'm looking for some friends so we can help each other out with our weight loss journey, I need to lose 60lbs and hoping to lose it or come close by October for my wedding... Am I being unrealistic? I'd love to come even close would be fab but 60lbs is my goal .. Does anyone have any tips/ advise for me please any would be appriciated .. Feel free to add me as a friend on can work out how to add people lol
Good luck everyone


  • Jessikin13
    Jessikin13 Posts: 52 Member
    I did the Chalean/TurboFire hybrid before my wedding. It's 5 months long and it's pretty rough but doable.
  • L0singMoreThanMyMind
    L0singMoreThanMyMind Posts: 26 Member
    60 lbs in 6 months is a little extreme. you can do it, but you'll likely regain it quickly. you would have to cut 400-750 cals a day and burn off 300-1000 cals in exercise every day as well
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    I think that's totally doable providing you can handle the stress of all the arrangements and plan your meals accordingly. Just don't do any crazy fasts or cleanses. Actually eat real food. I'm currently eating clean and burning off 500 calories a day to make my goals. I walk back and forth to work and that's 200 right there so I only really need to sweat 300. I've already lost 7lbs this month. :)
  • mikeyev60
    mikeyev60 Posts: 3
    edited March 2015
    That works out at 3lbs a week and is not really healthy, unless you are really, really overweight. The maximum that is doable without risking harm to your organs or bones (again, depending on where you are starting from) is 2lbs a week. Myfitnesspal is your best ally.

    Put in the data - height, weight, age and let it tell you how many calories to eat a day to lose 2lbs a week and stick to it. if you want to boost it, do more exercise. Of course you will be more hungry as a result of the exercise but if you ride your bike to work for example that might burn 450 calories in an hour. So if you then eat over your calorie limit for the day by 200 calories you will have a net under-eat of 250, plus the fitness benefits that will help you look your best when you've lost the weight.

    Myfitnesspal helps you understand what will keep your hunger at bay without too many calories. For example I have swapped a packet of crisps (chips if you are American) as a snack in the afternoon for loads, and loads of celery. So I am fuller with celery for less calories. 10 calories for the celery versus 150 calories for the crisps!

    Getting married will involve a lot of work and pressure - don't beat yourself up with an unrealistic weight loss target that is compounded by feeling grumpy or frustrated by not not eating enough. Now is not the time for that - now is the time for enjoying the process of the preparations.

    Look after yourself and keep going beyond the difficult target of your wedding day, that way you will look great at your wedding, enjoy it and look even better as time goes on. And it will stay off and be sustainable.

    So it's simple; count your calories, do more exercise, keep doing both, don't set yourself unrealistic targets or stressful target dates.

    It's good for you; do it for that reason, not your wedding day.
  • tiffanybrooks530
    tiffanybrooks530 Posts: 140 Member
    edited March 2015
    i've lost 30lbs in 5-6 mths many years ago and that was difficult to maintain and so i gained it back. I was on a very strict diet at the time.
    1. flexetarian - heavy plant base with eggs, fish, dairy, fruit , nuts, tofu, soups, beans, temph, soy products, ate at mostly vegetarian restaurants and eateries that offer lots of veggie meals
    2. low starch - no white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes only whole grain brown rice, yams, oatmeal, zucchini, squash, quinoa.
    3. daily exercise (sometimes twice a day) - pilates, gym, biking, jogging, walking
    4. fasted for one day biweekly
    5. no fried foods, no late night eating
    6. Juiced (fresh veggies and fruit with juicer) and Smoothies (blender) about 2-3 daily
    7. Had a colonic
    8. Lots of water
    (im not stating any of these things are right im just stating that losing 30+ lbs in 5-6mths alone required EXTREME measures that may not have been healthy)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Unrealistic. That's about 10lbs a month. Shoot for about 3/4 of that and any you get over will be cake.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    edited March 2015
    Most of my friends are married and let me tell you, none of them reached their weight loss goals by their wedding days. It's almost impossible to say "I'm going to lose XX lbs by XX date" just because your body will let go of whatever it wants, whenever it wants, even if you're doing the same thing (diet and exercise wise) day in/day out.

    All you can do is start NOW. Log your food on MFP. Exercise regularly. In October when you walk down that aisle, you will be beautiful and happy and your husband-to-be will be ELATED to marry you, no matter what the number on the scale says.