40 pounds or more to lose?



  • Ehnai
    Ehnai Posts: 1
    I am looking to lose 40 lbs as well but cant seem to eat more than 1000 caloriee. I workout 6 times a week but still plateau. I need help cause I may be doing something wrong
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    philiplh88 wrote: »
    I have 40 to 50 more to lose. I am curious whether those who have successfully made this journey maintain a steady continual calorie deficit, or if breaks and plateaus aren't actually helpful in ensuring long term sustainability. Having lost ~20 lbs so far, should I maintain a while and plan on two more periods of loss to get to goal, or should I make one big push to get there?

    I lost nothing between Thanksgiving and New Years. I wouldn't recommend planning to take breaks, but stuff happens and we aren't as successful as normal for a while. If you have good momentum, don't mess it up by taking a break.
  • _Justinian_
    _Justinian_ Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 5'9 and around 245 pounds now (originally 251). My goal is to get around 160. I'm on a 1600 calorie a day lifestyle, do cardio 5-6 days a week and dance 2-4 times a week. Right now I'm dropping almost a pound per day (but I'm sure it will slow down in time as I get smaller).
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    kimmy27848 wrote: »
    Anyone out there with a goal of 40 pounds to lose like me? Looking for advice on how long that might take....

    I lost 44 pounds in about ten or so months and I've been maintaining for over a year now. This journey is awesome.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    kandell wrote: »
    Hoping to lose about 45 more pounds. If I could stick to a net of 1200 calories, I'd be down 30 pounds by the 4th of July. Unfortunately 1200 is tough to stick to XP

    But it's better to focus on gradual, sustainable weight loss. It's easier to maintain your weight once you get there and you're less likely to have loose skin.

    Be careful with only 1200 calories...your body will starve itself, and as soon as you raise your calorie intake you'll gain the weight back and maybe more with a slower metabolism...try eating 1500 and burning 300 to exercise...just trying to be helpful
    What you say doesn't make sense. You said not to eat 1200 calories, but to eat 1500 and burn off 300-that's 1200 calories net. Can you please explain what you mean?

    I personally found eating the most I could while still in a deficit worked for me. I tried the 1200 calorie goal and could not handle it, even without exercise. Most of the time while I lost weight my net calories were 1600-1800.
  • philiplh88
    philiplh88 Posts: 3 Member
    philiplh88 wrote: »
    I have 40 to 50 more to lose. I am curious whether those who have successfully made this journey maintain a steady continual calorie deficit, or if breaks and plateaus aren't actually helpful in ensuring long term sustainability. Having lost ~20 lbs so far, should I maintain a while and plan on two more periods of loss to get to goal, or should I make one big push to get there?

    I lost nothing between Thanksgiving and New Years. I wouldn't recommend planning to take breaks, but stuff happens and we aren't as successful as normal for a while. If you have good momentum, don't mess it up by taking a break.

    Thanks. Makes sense. I do have the momentum, but it is an effort. I have hit plateaus which I have overcome by increasing exercise (now burning ~1200 - 1800 cal/session to regain momentum.
  • kimmy27848
    kimmy27848 Posts: 34 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose 45. Down 16.5 in month n half. Sticking to 1000 calories. Hard to meet that. Sometimes only get 900.

    Let's hope you get there before you die.

    Not helpful...
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    It is so variable so this is a hard question to answer. For me the first 20 came off in a flash (within a month) .... then there were weeks on end where i would only lose .02 or even worse gain a little back before dropping a couple pounds again. It's hard to say, just keep at it and it will happen for you.
  • lstarwood
    lstarwood Posts: 1 Member
    ok here it goes. I want to lose 70lbs. I'm dieting again for about the 4000th time. I've been on diets for 50 of my 55 yrs. I have never found the will to keep going. stress is my trigger. I yo-yo dieted up to 340 at one point. I have been able to stabilize at 270 for about 5 yrs now. my knees hurt, my feet hurt, I want to not feel tired all the time. after all the different things i have tried, I am back to basics. calories in, calories out. started 23rd. down 3lbs. Here's to succeeding.
  • cjohio
    cjohio Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking to lose 45. 245 down to 200. I know I can get to 200 (perfect world, 180). I was at 230 last year and went down to 212, before a whole bunch of crap hit and bam, all the way back up and past. Took me a while to snap out of it, but I'm back and determined even more now.

    Before it took me about 3 months to go down the 18lbs - that said, I had bad weekends, so if I wouldn't have eaten back half my loss during the week, i'm sure I would have been down more / faster.

    So, here I am, back at it again and going to do it! Dr. check up in mid May, so 1.5 months to at least get to a place better than where I am now.

    Good luck everyone!
  • jcook0716
    jcook0716 Posts: 65 Member
    I have about 60 more lbs to lose. Down 12lbs already. Started at 199 would like to reach 125-130lbs.
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    i need to lose 41 lbs. you can add me as a friend if you like. i actually started about a month ago but i have gained weight. i am on a ton of different meds and they have caused me to gain. even when i have been sticking to 1200 cals and exercising, it's so frustrating. ideally i would like to lose about 20 lbs in the next 4 months. after that, i have no time line. if i can get this 41 lbs off, i will be ecstatic!! :D
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    I am 5'6" and I weigh 200. I would love to get down to 135. So I have right around 50-60lbs to lose. Just started getting serious about my health this week so I haven't even weighed myself yet. Hoping to see a little change on the scale next week.
  • grizzlygift
    grizzlygift Posts: 22 Member
    I need to lose 80 lbs. I was 248 lbs a month ago ,now I already lost 12 lbs. I do walk (brisk pace) on tredmill 5 days aweek for 1 hr ,and just started wieght training this week to build muscle to help me burn some more calories. But I think I'll go swimming instead of walk on tredmill because I feel pain on my knees and foots. My trainer put me on 1800 calories/day. Sometimes I feel bored to eat less and think about my yummy dessert ,but I will not give up!! Anyway I have cheat meals twice a week ^_^ . Now 68 lbs to go!!!
  • claywalton
    claywalton Posts: 13 Member
    I have a goal of losing 100 lbs, I'm down 20 since the 1st of January. I feel I've lost more inches than weight because my clothes are fitting different but the scale's not moving much. MFP has me on a 2150 calorie a day diet and most of the time I'm under, but there are times like today where I ate too much at lunch and only have 300 calories left, but I haven't gone to the gym yet. What's a better workout, tons of cardio and a little weight training or keep it even? I find it's easier on my feet when I keep the treadmill to 30 minutes or less, then 30 minutes of high intensity weight training (trying to keep heat rate up).
  • kimmy27848
    kimmy27848 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm no expert but probably a mix of both types of exercise is best. I'm trying to remember though, that most of weight loss is eating. No matter how much exercise I do, it won't matter if I eat crap!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'm 5'5" and on 1st January was 203lbs. Today I'm 186 and would like to get to 154. I aim to eat 1500 but often go over by 100 or so. I only exercise twice a week, 1 hour kettlebells plus 30 mins hiit on Tuesdays and one hour body weight exercises and boxercise on a Saturday. Just got some weights for home so going to be adding that in too. I've got an underactive thyroid which I take thyroxine for but for me the exercise really makes a difference. I measured myself this morning and have lost 3 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips.
  • overin2015
    overin2015 Posts: 94 Member
    OK so I set myself for 1 lb a week and loving it. Calories at 1500 eating exercise calories if I want them and I only do exercise I really like. Lost 2 pounds in 9 days. I have lost more/faster on fads but this is sustainable so I am THRILLED to death. Doesn't feel like anything except paying attention - enjoying what I eat and being mindful of it - playing on the computer and logging. If it takes 52 weeks to lose 52 pounds so be it. And now I am at 50 weeks so - - Whoo Hoo!
  • stllibrarian112
    stllibrarian112 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started two weeks ago today. I was exactly at 240 two weeks ago, and I've lost four pounds thus far. I'm looking to drop 80 altogether, and I am trying to lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, which would put me at my goal weight in a year. My birthday is on Wednesday, so that's my goal date next year. To lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, I've got my net calories at 1540 a day. I'm worried I'm going to totally fail at this, so anyone who wants to be my friend and encourage me, they are more than welcome!
  • kimmy27848
    kimmy27848 Posts: 34 Member
    overin2015 wrote: »
    OK so I set myself for 1 lb a week and loving it. Calories at 1500 eating exercise calories if I want them and I only do exercise I really like. Lost 2 pounds in 9 days. I have lost more/faster on fads but this is sustainable so I am THRILLED to death. Doesn't feel like anything except paying attention - enjoying what I eat and being mindful of it - playing on the computer and logging. If it takes 52 weeks to lose 52 pounds so be it. And now I am at 50 weeks so - - Whoo Hoo!

    Way to go! Love the attitude... I've lost four pounds over the past four weeks too. I actually gained last week because I was on vacation, but I lost that plus a pound this week. Life gets in the way, but we just have to keep getting back at it, right?