I need some Cheese to go with this Whine.

I want to rant and whine about how I've been working pretty hard at this weight loss thing,but haven't seen much as far as results. I WANT to throw my hands in the air and give up. But I can't and I won't.

I think what I need is a healthy dose of reality. I need a swift kick in the *kitten*. I complain about not getting results and then I take a look at my food diary and I am disappointed in myself. I can't shed weight if I'm still eating alot that I shouldn't. And yes. I do measure my food and log accurately.

So please fellow MFP'ers Let me have it! Please feel free to glance at my diary and give me the reality check I need to motivate me to actually do this thing right. I know I am making some bad food choices, but it's a mental block of mine to try to convince myself that I am doing just fine. Need to hear from someone else what I am doing wrong so I can convince my stubborn self that I really do need to make some changes.


  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Well - I saw that you didn't really log anything over the weekend. It doesn't look like you drink anything except coffee in the morning, and you're either not drinking any water, or you're not tracking it. You're not watching your fiber intake. Cheese Danish's and dressed up baked potatoes don't help either. I'm not trying to be critical - because trust me - if you looked at my log - it doesn't look much better!!

    It's really a couple of things - back when I was focused and a "food journal Nazi", then I was loosing weight very steadily. I also had the dedication. It's not about willpower - it's about discipline and dedication.

    Why do you want to lose weight? Because you think you should? Because someone else thinks you should? or because you've become finally fed up enough that you actually are willing to be uncomfortable enough to change?

    Back in April 2011, I attended a school event with my daughter. I had a very hard time just walking to the door. I was mad because we had to park in back of the school, and walk further to get to the door. I had to stop several times because I was in that bad of shape. Once inside the door, I was so out of breath I had to sit down. There was no place to sit - so I had to plop down on the floor. I was sitting in the hallway humiliated and embarrassed by having all the other students and mothers having to walk around me. The teachers asked if they could help me, and I had the nerve to grump at them that it was their fault for making me walk all that way. Sitting there, I knew that something had to change, and it was going to have to be me.

    My journey has had quite a few ups and downs before finally landing here where I am today - re-dedicated to getting the rest of this weight gone. It's a decision. Something's gotta change. I have to be willing to be uncomfortable. Willing to face the facts, and be real about what steps I am willing to take to move forward on this path. I also have to be willing to put me first. In the planes, they tell you when the oxygen mask falls to put yours on first, because you cant help someone next to you until you've taken care of yourself FIRST.

    There's no magic to it. Calories in vs calories out. The better quality food you have, the more of it you can have. AND it's going to have to be every day. Every day. Every day.

    You can do this. Everybody can do this. It won't be easy. If it were, everybody would do it, and there'd be no obese people in the world. But make the decision, and dedicate to the process. You can do it if you're willing.
  • KrysKiss87
    KrysKiss87 Posts: 124 Member
    I don't log very well on weekends because I don't have a computer at home so its all done on my phone using wifi (which is spotty at best.) And I didn't realize I wasn't logging my water intake. Silly me.

    I want to get healthy for my son. He is only 5 months right now, but when he gets older I want to be able to keep up with him and also be a motivation to him to be healthy.

    I don't think you are being critical. I asked for honesty because sometimes I am stubborn and need a kick in the bum to fling myself back into reality.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Get a digital scale and start measuring most things in grams. That will make a big difference. You have a lot of foods that are in servings (1 wrap, 1 1/3 cups, etc.) You'll be way more accurate, calorie-wise, if you measure in grams (or ounces if that's the nutrition info you have) whenever possible.

    If you are wanting to try to eat "healthier" foods, I would start with adding some fresh veggies and/or fruit. They are filling and low calorie.

    I would also suggest trying to recreate some of your favorite foods at home so that you can add up the ingredients yourself rather than depend on the restaurant workers to add the right ingredients to match the nutrition info that the place publishes.
  • breathebelievejen
    breathebelievejen Posts: 83 Member
    Hello :) the main thing I noticed is that there is so little fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Losing weight is a great goal but if you want to be in good health I would suggest including more nutrient dense foods alongside the other stuff. Would you be comfortable with your son eating the diet you currently do once he gets older? There's also a lot of processed food. Can you cook?

    My suggestions would be to focus on getting in your 5 a day (at least).. this might mean finding some new recipes to try, taking a cookery class, meal planning and batch cooking food, trying new foods, finding out what nutritious foods you like and can happily include regularly..

    just my suggestions, hope it helps :)