Slow and steady struggles/support group

I have yo-yo dieted/exercised for YEARS! I have finally accepted the "lifestyle" change mentality versus the old quick fix diet. But it is not easy! No magic pill or permanent effortless maintenance?! Ugh! Some days I feel fantastic other days I'm in the dumps impatient and discouraged! I know I'm not alone so feel free to share a thought or rant if you too are on slow but steady road to a better lifestyle!!


  • trish56832
    trish56832 Posts: 43 Member
    My thought for today, it took me 12 days to lose a pound but I was not deprived! I look at my entries and I had restaurant food and chocolate and even ice cream! No not every day or meal but I lost a pound and controlled myself to log and accurately measure everything! That's a big step in the right direction! I also upped my walking and jogged a bit, I'm improving in endurance. Yet today I looked in the mirror and only saw how far I still have to go instead of being happy with my accomplishment!
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    I'm 35 pounds or so into a long, slow march to a healthy weight. You can do this! I found the concept of dieting was depressing and discouraging in the beginning. You'll get the hang of it pretty soon, and then it's much easier. Try not to get too discouraged in the beginning.

    I am not following any specific diet other than to try to have a calories deficit (sometimes I refer to it as the "eat less, move more" diet), and I've had good results. Not instant results. Not front cover of a woman's magazine, holding up a giant pair of pants results. I am having slow, steady progress, one to two pounds a week weight loss results.

    Keeping the food journal is key. I found that it was real eye opening to see what exactly I was putting in my body. These days, I've taken the attitude that if I'm going to spend my calories, it better be on something good. I have not cut anything completely out of my diet. I still eat sweets.

    I am not infallible. I still have bad food days, where I go over my calorie limit and watch the numbers go into the red. I have learned to pick myself up, try to minimize the damage, and keep going forward.

    Good luck to you. This will be a long process. Feel free to friend me if you are looking for support.
    BCUONZO Posts: 27 Member
    Yep, been there still struggle with it. I know for me it has taken a long time to get where I am and it will take even longer to get where I want to be but I am willing to put in the work. I know how much better I feel when I am eating healthy and working out consistently and I don't want to lose that. For me my big wake up was after I had my son and I was 179 (I am 5'2"). I cried and I thought I will never get back down to where I was before him. But here I am a year and a half later with lots of bumps along the way and so glad that I stuck with it. You can do it to!
  • MeiannaLee
    MeiannaLee Posts: 338 Member
    Let me just tell you, the worry never goes away! lol
    Some days Ill overeat by 50-100 calories and I am freaking out thinking that its gonna stall my weightloss.
    It doesnt ;)
  • djscavone
    djscavone Posts: 133 Member
    good to hear you realize there is no magic pill and that it will take effort. Once that hits home you can really make progress. For me it was ending up in the hospital and hearing it all had to do with my eating and drinking and lack of exercise. I am at the age where my father had his first heart attack and then bypass. My brothers all have high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. That was my a-ha moment to make a change.

    Change doesn't have to be drastic. I started with walking as my exercise and in the summer months a nice easy bike ride with my wife. For diet I cut out drinking cold sober for 4 months then brought back in a beer or two on weekends. Food was a matter of one helping and not three. Push away from the table!

    Little things all added up to 32 pounds lost in 5 months and my health numbers were all perfect (except BMI which I just missed). So my message is there is nothing wrong with slow and steady as long as you stay on the right course.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Sorry I'm lol'ing a bit at people saying that 1.5-2 lbs a week is "slow". Not compared to me it isn't! Holding steady at .5/week over here.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    edited March 2015
    Yeah, I'm managing about 0.5 lbs per week. It's taken me 6 months to lose 12 pounds (but I'm only trying to lose 20 to 25 pounds total). I'll be very happy if can keep this slow & steady loss up & then maintain.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Rose_bee wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm managing about 0.5 lbs per week. It's taken me 6 months to lose 12 pounds (but I'm only trying to lose 20 to 25 pounds total). I'll be very happy if can keep this slow & steady loss up & then maintain.

    You only have to do that same thing one more time and you're there!