How in the heck can you drink a gallon of water a day? I can't barely chug down 2 16.9 oz bottles in a day!!! That's 16 8-oz cups. That's 128-ounces in a gallon or 8 16.9 bottles!!! Any suggestions on getting in a GALLON a day? It's so overwhelming to me to think of drinking that much water! I know I need it, I know it'll help but . . .


  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Some people are more thirsty than others. For me, all I drink is water and I get 11-12 cups (2.6 L). If you're worried about staying hydrated, you don't have to stick with just water.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I drink about 6 litres a day. I just fill up a litre bottle with tap water and keep refilling. I live in England, so it's not even hot here, I just really enjoy water. It's one of the only things that I consume consistently that I trust, even though I know it's full of Fluoride (Some people consider it at by product of factory waste!) and estrogen for those man boob gains. I personally prefer my water straight up, but maybe add some flavoured squash or something to impove the taste?
  • DosEquisToGo
    Thanks! I'm in Texas and it's hot but I sit in a cool office all day and I don't even think about drinking water. I try but I get busy and they day passes and before I know it, it's time to go home and I haven't even finished my second bottle of water. I can't drink 6 more bottles, I'd be swimming in my bed! haha
  • mhulgan
    mhulgan Posts: 101 Member
    When I worked a desk job, I scheduled water breaks. I didn't keep a bottle at my desk, but once an hour I'd take a walk around the building to the water fountain.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I usually only drink about 80 ounces per day, and most of that I consume at home (before work and after). I mostly monitor urine color. I know if its pale yellow to clear, I'm doing good.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Yeah, the dark side of water consumption that no body likes to talk about. Ledgend has it, that if you stop drinking before 8PM then you should have time to process everything and empty your bladder without needing the toilet all night. If you are brave enough (like myself), and continue drinking past 8pm, then be prepared for an interrupted sleep and trips back and forth to the lavatory all night. Needless to say, I have not slept well in years, but on the plus side, I have not wet the bed in months.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I drink usually 20 8oz cups a day

    I used to hate water, now I love it. If I don't drink enough, I feel it the next day easily.

    Just what you get used to!
  • kcwwoa
    kcwwoa Posts: 19 Member
    I fill a gallon plastic jug each night and put it in the fridge. I fill a large cup and drink only from it. I love water and have stopped drinking soda.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Maybe 2-3 cups a day here and they are usually teas lol... Seriously tho, just go by the color of your pee and drink if you're thirsty
  • Joyeuxbelle
    Joyeuxbelle Posts: 30 Member
    I HATE drinking water, I don't get thirsty at all no matter how hard I've trained, or how hot it is, and I've gotten into some serious trouble with both acute and chronic dehydration before. Trust me, it's not a good thing - especially in Australia during summer :neutral_face:

    I'm highly active in both cardio and weights, so it's important to keep myself topped up. I'll always have a 1.5 litre bottle with me, and I aim to have three of these per day. I've also been drinking a lot of herbal/clear teas as well (careful of the caffeine), which assist with hydration without the ickyness of plain water.

    I'd suggest adding a little bit of flavour to your water - you can put some frozen berries in there, a squeeze of lemon/lime juice, or maybe even a dash of sugar-free cordial of some type. Once you're in the habit on continually drinking it, you'll be fine...it's just developing the habit that's tricky. You'll also notice an increase of bathroom time, but this will settle down after a while and your body adjusts and gets used to the volume of liquid going in.
  • onlyadrizzle
    onlyadrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    Ever since I got a bottle that held about 30 oz of water I've been drinking way more! I just carry it with me everywhere and sip from it and before I know it I have to refill it. Maybe don't focus so much on "i need to drink a cup of water right now" and instead just start doing it sips at a time.