Well Hello MFP peeps!

Hi, I am from the great white north! lol yes Ontario, Canada. I need a big kick in the butt!! Looking for great people, good tips, awesome encouragement! B) I weigh 209.2 lbs and need to get this weight off of me... I have type 2 diabetes. Just took my poor dogs out for first walk as we have had so much snow, and honestly I was too lazy to do it. The sun is shining, still cold but bearable. This is day one......glad to be here!! :)


  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Welcome! I find reading success stories keeps me motivated. I try to read at least one or two a day. You kind of have to "kick your own butt." By the way, there are great exercise dvd's and free workouts on youtube if it's too cold outside. Excuses be gone!!! :) I live in Florida and I often have to work out inside due to intense heat. I've been on MFP and watching what I eat since Oct 2013 - almost 90 pounds down! It can be done - patience and perseverance is key - never give up - make sure you're truly "ready."