I am curious...



  • aselby1230
    aselby1230 Posts: 26 Member
    I have diabetes, high b/p, osteoarthritis in both knees with no cartilage in the right knee, skin cancer and asthma. I have a lot of medical issues that losing weight can help tremendously. I am obese, not just chubby or even fat. I have to have surgery soon, so losing weight is imperative for the removal of skin cancer surgery on my eyelid. They say it will be extensive surgery including plastic surgery. Pray I lose enough weight to undergo it, they always worry about putting me under anesthesia because of my weight. Usually they tell me it is a 50/50 chance I will make it. But so far I have and in the past few years have had two surgeries (hernia with gangrene) and ovarian cancer surgery that I pulled through. I am not looking forward to this next surgery.

    People with diabetes and high blood pressure are prone to electrolyte disturbances Because of the diseases and medications. You could be imbalances there. Check with your doc but try a multivitamin or G2. And definitely adequate water intake!!