Gym workout

Hi there,

I've recently started working out at the gym to help with my weight loss efforts. At the moment I do 10-15 minutes walking/jogging, 10-15 minutes cross-trainer, 10-15 minutes bike. I really need a workout plan to get me going and to ensure I'm working out in a positive way.

Unfortunately the PT at the gym only works 9-5, as I do, so I can't find a good time to meet with him.

I would like to know...
1. Is there a more effective workout plan?
2. What can I do to make sure I keep pushing myself?
3. What can I do in 30 minutes (lunchbreak) which is fast burning?

Thank you in advance,


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    This is not a workout plan. Honestly, if the goal is 30 minutes per day of cardio, stop paying for the gym and go for a walk. Unless the weather where you live does not permit it, in which case the plan makes sense. I am not being sarcastic by the way, walking is great exercise and walking or lightly jogging for 30 minutes per day (like at your lunch break) is awesome for your health, and the longer you walk/jog, the better for weight loss too.
    If you are looking for more intense cardio routines, figure out what you would like to do. If it is walking and you have the time, increase the distance and it will be a great workout. If it is running, look into a beginner's program like C25K. If it is something else, like dancing, zumba, martial arts etc, then a gym that offers such classes is the best idea.
    If youa re interested in more than cardio, again you need to experiment a bit and figure out what would interest you. When it comes to strength training, you could look into weight lifting, a class aimed at bodyweight strenght training (e.g. TRX), pilates, yoga, a sport, there are a ton of ideas, so you need to be a bit more specific.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I use a gym for my walking, treadmill uphill for 30 minutes and I added 30 minutes of eliptical to that this past dec 2014. I do yoga once weekly and lift twice weekly and my cardio I do five times a week...
  • 30mphmike
    30mphmike Posts: 28
    edited March 2015
    I spent thousands of dollars on gym equipment that doubled for a place to hang my shirts. I do cardio at home on my bike but have to use a gym for legs, chest and back- (I love the gym atmosphere). I'm only capable of hitting my gym three days a week so I do- shoulders and arms at home on Sundays. The one thing I have learned is intensity and consistency is the key to seeing long term results when time is short..

    If I had the 45 min you have outlined in your 15, 15, 15 plan I would spend 30 on one of them and throw in a circuit training for the last 15. Find 8 machines, 3 lower body, 5 upper body and go through them with no rest twice each.

    chest bench, leg push, lat pulldown, leg exten, shoulder press, leg curl, biceps, triceps machine, and do this twice with no rest in between. ( all Machine )

    In eight weeks you can split body parts up and find what works for you but this will allow you to get use to the movements and form your personal workout.

    Good luck