Go Hard or Go Home

Recently I have embarked on my weight loss journey again! I'm tired of eating dirty and over eating on bad fatty foods like my favorite... Buffalo Chicken!!!! - Sorry I love it hhahahaa.

I originally started on my weight loss journey when the Dr told me I was pre-diabetic. I was at 315 LBs and was eating mostly pastas and fried foods etc.

My wife was pregnant and I wanted to cook good tasting foods! In which she would eat much less than I would... When I met her she was 115 LBs! After the baby she was at 135ish, and then when she adapted my bad eating habits she climbed up to 160.

I put that blame on myself. After that day I started working hard and i started by cutting out pastas and soda completely. That alone helped my weight get down to the 280s. I was no longer pre-diabetic. Then I decided I wanted to lose more weight and started to only eat meats on weekends and eat more veggies. It worked I got down to 268ish. Then I let myself go again and climbed back up to 278 ended up with some bacteria infection and the Dr told me my blood pressure was high. That was my moment I decided to say screw it! I need to change my life for my son and my wife.

About three weeks ago I embarked on changing my lifestyle all over again. This time I want it for good and I have seen results. I make my own sauces which are low in cals/sodium. I also track mostly everything I eat in my control. I go to the local farm and buy only organic grassfed animals. They offer a Buffalo Chicken!!! Instead of cooking up the whole batch I split it in half and then split it with my wife. (One breast is about almost a LB.) Once in awhile I eat pasta if i'm craving it. I rarely do crave it... All thanks to Shirataki Noodles! When cooked correctly and I make a huge dish with a white wine sauce that is easily under 600 calories. My wife and mother love it. Load it up with spinach and kale and it's game time. I also love utilizing the Vegetti Pro! to Make noodles and Carrotoodles! Once a week if I'm really craving something I won't deprive myself. I had 2 slices of pizza on Sunday and it was amazing! I also am going on a week of being caffeine free as I do not need it anymore. I also like to drink on weekends so I haven't drank any beers. I actually switched to caffeine free diet coke and whisky. With my diet I end up getting a buzz quicker so I don't drink as much and don't feel as bad since I have plenty of calories to play with. I wish I didn't have to drink the soda but I guess I need to live a little!

With my vigorous working out during the week and my cleaner diet I am down to 266 over two weeks! It's been great! My pants are looser and a shirt that use to be tight fits like my old shirts that were looser at my old weight. Watching the scale go down has been amazing.

I'm not one to usually post on these things. I have been always an observer and I love the way people encourage each other, so here I am! I am going to beat obesity!! This is the best place to start!!


  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    What's a buffalo chicken ? Is it like a cow with wings ? :-)
  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    Buffalo Chicken does give you wings. Like red bull
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Way to set a new intention for your lives! Love your attitude! Sending a friend request to follow your progress!
  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks! I always try to keep a positive attitude. It's the best way to live life! Depression use to be a big reason for my weight gain. Always feeling sorry for myself. Pointless, now that I look back at it. I'm just happy I open my eyes every morning and get to see my son and wife