Will be happy to motivate you

Feel free to add me if you need motivation and support! I'm 22 and currently struggling with plateus and emotional eating..What's your story?


  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    I'm also 22!
    In 2012, I went from 211-170!
    In January of this year, I was 222. Today I am 198 with a goal weight of 150. I want to lose weight and keep it off!
  • caty2358
    caty2358 Posts: 12
    I'm 25 and have been trying to consistently eat healthy for a couple years. :/
    Hopefully this time it sticks.
  • Divia09
    Divia09 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 32 and have been yo yo dieting. I'm determined to make this a lifestyle change and not a fad. I am currently 247 with a goal weight of 180.
  • YamilkaD
    YamilkaD Posts: 2
    I'm 39yo, lost about 60lbs via weight watchers about 10yrs ago and 40 of those have slowly but surely crept back up....I NEED TO GET RID OF THEM! I wanna be 40 and FABULOUS(by December)! If support and motivation is your forte feel free to add me
  • Frelise
    Frelise Posts: 80 Member
    hello! I lost over 50 lbs two years ago, and this year I realized I had gained it all back and then some... Lost 11 lbs so far, but some fitness friends would be lovely and more motivation to check on here more often. :) I'm turning 24 this April.