How often do you weigh in?



  • fstbusa
    fstbusa Posts: 2 Member
    I don't care about my weight anymore but I weigh twice a day. Right away in the morning and in the evening. I like seeing how much weight is lost overnight.
  • denacook83
    denacook83 Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh daily (when I wake up after using using the restroom). I only log my weight on Monday mornings though. I think weighing daily helps me from binging.
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    I do it daily to keep myself on track. I also like to do it to see what certain certain food/alcahol/water intake can do to my weight. Eg after having an indian meal with lots of wine i can be up 5 lb the day after. A day of drinking lots more water than normal i can be down a few lbs. X
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    No more often than weekly. And even then I usually look at my average over a month. Daily weigh ins are silly as your weight can fluctuate 2-3lbs every 24 hours. I view weighing myself as getting important information and when that information can fluctuate daily, it doesn't actually tell me anything in the grand scheme of things.
  • jj_steele
    jj_steele Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh myself daily. I only "weigh in" on MFP if there is a change. If I am on a plateau for two weeks, then I do not make a change on MFP until then.

    However, happily what I see on the scale, while it may be a little disheartening at times, is not a major issue for me at this point in my journey. It it becomes one, I will weigh myself less frequently. Right now, I simply see the scale as one of many tools to help me achieve my health/fitness goals.
  • ditsyblond17
    ditsyblond17 Posts: 155 Member
    chappy5612 wrote: »
    I weigh everyday at the same time and in the same clothes...but I also have to realize that I'm going to fluctuate daily. I just like the routine and when I do see it go up a pound or two even if its water weight, it is motivating to keep on track.

    That's what I was thinking. And even if it goes up a couple pounds, as long as adherence is continued, there's no reason that's actually gained FAT. So, maybe I could justify doing it daily then. I just wanted to convince myself I wouldn't be upset with fluctuations.

    This right here explains why I weigh daily. It seems like the opposite would be true, but by weighing daily I feel less powerless. I used to weigh weekly and would get really hung up on that one weigh in. After all, if I didn't see what I wanted, I would have to wait another week for a loss. But by weighing daily, there is not the same pressure. If the number goes up, no big deal because I'll be weighing again tomorrow.

    Great options. Thank you. I like the weighing the lowest point! Seems like that would keep me motivated to keep aiming for a New lower #. I can see all of this becoming obsessive though. Is that such a bad thing?
  • manders_b
    manders_b Posts: 44 Member
    I weigh daily (same time of day, same clothes) and record it separately on my calendar at home. When I see a sustained loss or maintenance pattern, I update my MFP weight. If I know my weight is going to be up specifically due to water (high sodium the night before, lady issues, etc.), sometimes I'll skip a day just so it doesn't mess with my head.

    Also, YES - being obsessed with the scale can be a huge issue! Just be sure you're keeping everything in perspective. Being up 2 lbs one day doesn't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, as long as you're moving in the right direction overall.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    I originally wanted to do weekly, but I'm tempted to do daily because I'm a bit addicted. How often do you all weigh yourselves?

    Every day.

    BUT I only RECORD once a week – same clothes/day of week and time.


  • TannerBoyl
    TannerBoyl Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh in daily and record my weight. In doing this, I have learned a lot about my body. The most important lesson being that I get best results by eating as close to my daily calorie allotment as possible. Too little or too much both keeps weight on me.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    I weigh daily; first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. I strip down completely and hop on the scale. I find it keeps me on top of hydration/sodium levels and also makes me more aware (and relaxed) when the TOM bloat occurs. Now when I see the weight go up I can pinpoint the reason why. ("Period's coming on." or "Had nachos last night.")

    That said, if I forget to weigh myself first thing in the morning then I shrug and move on with my day. It doesn't help me at all to weigh myself in the afternoon after having eaten a few meals. The data isn't informative.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I weigh myself whenever i am in the gym...but weekly for that one solid number. (same day and time each week)
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    1-2 times a week.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I weigh every day, even when things aren't going well. I also use an app called Weight Record on my Ipad and it graphs the weight for me. So I can see after a big meal how it affects me the next day, and then goes back to normal. I can detect trends or plateaus and address them immediately to keep the movement going in the right direction.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    I weigh every day.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I weigh daily BUT the caveat it that I know my weight will fluctuate and I do NOT get upset about the daily fluctuations going up and down. I used to get discouraged so I would weigh weekly but I like to be able to track the progress and see what my body is doing. If you do weigh daily, just be prepared
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I weigh daily first thing in the morning and record the numbers in an excel graph. It is interesting to see the fluctuations and what makes the scale jump.. usually a really heavy lifting session, lots of food before bed or high sodium meals from the day before do it.
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    Monthly, I feel like it separates me from all my anxiety over fluxuations and shows a more accurate representation of my progress
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I weigh every day just because I'm the curious sort, but I only do a check-in (recording my weight) once a week. I think if I were to record every day the graph would look like an EEG gone wrong.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I weigh weekly. Any more often you are probably obsessed/addicted.

    How many posts have you seen where people are freaking out over weight gain of 2 pounds, then it turns out they weigh themselves every day and it's just normal fluctuations/water weight.

    Weight fluctuates, it's probably best to look at the numbers/trend over a few weeks rather than 1-3 days.
  • Wreathy
    Wreathy Posts: 61 Member
    Every morning when I get up. I want to stay on track - I'm aware of fluctuations like water retention and poop so don't stress too much. However, I have a bit to lose and I find the daily weighing very motivating - it's now really just part of the routine. I weigh myself right after I get up - same time, scales in same place.