Weight workout

Does any of you out there have a good cardio weight workout? I'm having a hard time getting motivated walking and using the elliptical. I need your help I'm gaining weight as we speak


  • faizzz
    faizzz Posts: 2 Member
    if its a motivation problem figure out what you really want, if its your excercise and diet program that's not helping you lose any weight, then I would recommend counting your cals for a start and slowly research about macros of 50 protein 40 carbs 10 fat and just try brisk walking with your favorite music playlist on
  • lacecorsetdolly
    lacecorsetdolly Posts: 4 Member
    I do 2 days of high intensity cardio for 45 minutes on the elliptical. Its super hard for me to get motivated too, I'm a couch potato. But I bring my smartphone and watch some TV which is what I'd rather be doing than working out. I keep the incline high, and I vary the resistance in 3 to 4 minute intervals (starting at the lowest and working up). It keeps my mind active, and all the while I'm getting caught up on TV shows.

    Also, try to avoid downtime. I leave straight from work to the gym. I bring my clothes with me so I won't be tempted to stop at home and veg for a while.

    Another motivation trick for me when I first started working out was seeing if I could run 100 miles in 100 days. I did this through really cold winds, rain, and the worse kind of traffic. I made it to like 30 something before I was motivated to get a gym membership. But you can still do something like that at the gym. Set a little goal (1 mile a day), and push it. You'd be surprised how it motivates a whole new lifestyle.
  • According to me,it should be performed first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. When the cardio session seems easy to you, you can increase your incline level instead of your speed.
  • PrimalGirl
    PrimalGirl Posts: 148 Member
    I do HIIT - high intensity interval training - twice a week. This is my current routine (vary weights/exercises as needed):

    15kg barbell lunges - 15 each leg
    25 push ups
    30 sit ups
    25-sec side plank each side
    15kg clean and jerk - 20
    superman - 10secs, five sec break, 6 reps
    plank - 40 secs
    assisted pull ups - 12


    Takes me 40 minutes to do the three sets. My average calorie burn according to my heart rate monitor is 380 calories and i'm building muscle and strength at the same time.

    I find it really tough, but really enjoyable because I'm constantly doing something new, moving from horizontal to vertical, squatting, pushing, pulling, lifting, planking...

    The aim is to have no breaks during each round and a 30-60 sec break between rounds.

    Hope this helps

  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    You can do interval training on the treadmill with incline and speed variations. Building muscle would help a lot. If you want to do a circuit style program or a HIIT that would help too, For my circuit training I pick 10 different strength or endurance exercises (one is always jump rope or jumping jacks) and do each for 1 min 30 seconds with a 30 second rest in between, and I do three sets. Start at 1 min per and build up. Feel free to PM me if you want some specific examples. Good luck! :drinker:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Does any of you out there have a good cardio weight workout? I'm having a hard time getting motivated walking and using the elliptical. I need your help I'm gaining weight as we speak

    Here's a circuit workout I like:


    The cardio portion is low impact ...but you could sub in some higher impact plyo moves
  • catio23
    catio23 Posts: 38 Member
    I find the Treadmill and Elliptical SO BORING! I can't motivate myself to do them like I can when I take a fun class. Maybe try a group class, like BodyPump. Something that is fun and you enjoy makes it so much easier to stick with.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I'm gaining weight as we speak
    Focus on a proper diet and then adjust your exercise as needed.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Cardio is not required to lose weight. Sustaining a calorie deficit is. If you hate cardio, don't do it. Just lift weights and get plenty of protein to insure you are losing fat and maintaining muscle, and consistently stay in a calorie deficit.

    You can easily out-eat a good workout, but you can not out-lazy a good diet.
  • kinokid150
    kinokid150 Posts: 9 Member
    Great info guys!! Thanks