Maintaining Body fat %

gamagem Posts: 87 Member
I'm nearing my body fat % goal, and I was wondering how do I keep it at that % without going lower? I'm nearly 40 and would like to stay around 20% body fat. I'm worried that I will bump up my calories to maintain my weight but will continue to lower my body fat and build more muscle as I plan on continuing with my exercise regimen. Is there a specific ratio of protien/carbs/fat to help me to keep everything steady and to not lose or gain body fat?

I searched around in previous posts and around the web, but only found posts of people trying to lower body fat/gain muscle.

I also wanted to add that I ask because I have a lot of experience gaining weight then losing weight and getting in shape. But maintaining has never been my forte. Thanks for any advice.


  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    Seriously, i'm looking for some tips or advice. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
  • tubzzy77
    tubzzy77 Posts: 104 Member
    Find your maintenance calories eat that. If you continue to lose weight eat more until you find your maintenance. If you gain weight eat less until you stay the same and then eat at that maintenance. Eat 1g/lb of body weight. Eat some carbs and fats. Its more self analysis than anything.
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    I can't answer your question as I'm not there yet. But I will say that my trainer is in her 50's and she said that she did begin losing muscle mass (=increase body fat) once she got close to 50 (and before menopause), despite continuing to lift and work out. She has seen it in other clients as well. I think that could mean anywhere in our 40's to early 50's as menopause/hormone levels are different for each of us. We do Bod Pod testing at our gym.

    I'm GUESSING that for most women, and especially for those of us 40 and over, that naturally going below 20% BF isn't going to be too much of an issue if we are maintaining weight. I think it is something we would have to actively work towards. I'd go with that attitude (maintain weight and assume BF will not continue to lower if not actively trying to make it do so), and THEN make adjustments if it doesn't work out that way after all.

    It's a good question, and one I think I would have had as well.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    stop losing weight

  • gamagem
    gamagem Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you to the two posters for the advice.
  • maecrocker
    maecrocker Posts: 56
    For me, the term maintain doesn't really fit. Once I reach my goal weight, I try to "maintain" but still fluctuate up and down. If I go up, then I workout a bit more and try to keep to my maintenance calories. If I go down, I do my regular workout routine and eat my maintenance calories. For me its never going to be a static do this x times a week, eat this x times a day. It seems to be a constant adjustment. I will say that I fell off for a bit because of work and all my muscle turned flabby and I gained inches and pounds. Use it or lose it applies to me so much -- probably because I am 48. Just trying not to get over by too too much when work gets overly demanding. I have also set my goal to be under my ideal weight by 5 pounds. As long as I don't let it go too long this has been pretty manageable. I guess I just have come to the conclusion that I will be doing this the rest of my life and it isn't going to be a "routine". A bit depressing. I thought that once I was "there" that I'd be home free. I was wrong but it is worth the effort!