Feeling sick/experiencing headaches during my diet



  • MrCourter
    MrCourter Posts: 12 Member
    I agree that eating under your calorie goal could be contributing to the way you feel...however, never underestimate the power of withdrawal from any substance your body is used to.

    When I cut out caffeine years ago, I ended up going to see my family physician because the detox from caffeine resulted in terrible tremors, headaches, etc...

    Then, when I cut the majority of carbs from my diet, I also had constant headaches.

    Everyone's body reacts to things differently. Just make sure you drink plenty of water and that you eat healthfully. You may even wish to add some different vitamins to the mix.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    Caffeine or sugar withdrawals do that to me (I was a huge soda drinker). I also think your calories are too low. I'm 5'1" and I do weigh a bit more at 260 but I eat 1820 calories a day and lose 1.5 lbs a week easy. I set my goal at 1 lb / week and try not to eat back exercise calories (can't avoid it sometimes - I need rewards!). Feed your body or it will not be happy.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    It sounds a lot like caffeine withdrawal to me too. Or dehydration or too few calories.

    If you're cutting caffeine then I recommend doing that slowly. I only drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day and I like to quit periodically to remind myself I can function without it. I always end up with the worst headaches for a few days. I imagine it would be worse (and longer lasting) if my body were used to higher quantities of caffeine.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    kristydi wrote: »
    Have you suddenly cut out caffiene like st'yoda or coffee? Could be caffeine withdrawal.
    Most likely caffeine is the problem... drink so black coffee or tea... cut back slowly if at all... i enjoy black coffee & or tea everyday and have lost over 60lbs now... good luck to you

    Green tea is excellent for losing weight and it has caffeine. If I give up caffeine, I have a headache for two weeks.

  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    edited March 2015
    OP you are trying to change too many things at once to lose weight.

    **You are trying to lose 20 pounds in 2-3 months that is about 2+ pounds a month. While it's not impossible, it can sometimes wreak havoc on your body. Especially if you are not fueling yourself properly.

    **You jumped from "eating out and eating junk" to "eating clean". Now, I'm not sure how extreme you actually went with this change but that alone can cause your body to be a bit shocked and unhappy with you.

    Change is not going to happen over night. You need to change things slowly in order to avoid the nasty symptoms you are dealing with.

    Furthermore, I took a look at your diary. You are either not logging everything you are eating, or you aren't even reaching 1200 calories a day. You need to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day.
  • adcini
    adcini Posts: 14 Member
    I'm going to agree with everyone who suggested water. Go easy on the milk, and add more water to your diet. 9/10 times when I have a headache, it's due to dehydration. You might also cautiously add a bit of caffeine back into your diet with tea or coffee, and see if that helps.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    My hunger turns into nausea not long after the stomach growling starts. Every one is different but I find I have to graze all day long. Keep feeding the tiger and don't go on an empty stomach too long. But for others 3 meals and no snacks works. Change it up until you find what works for you. But that's not going to help if the bottom line is that your body needs more nutrients.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    This is very normal for someone who is starting a new diet of healthy food. It is a result of all the toxins leaving your system, and you should start to feel really good in about a week or so. Keep it up and don't get discouraged. It's only temporary. Good luck!


    However, OP, if you do decide to use supplements, and end up getting a hepatotoxic batch (yep, they make those!) you may want to look into medical detox including, but not limited to, liver transplant.
  • Thank you for all your suggestions. That is a pretty accurate log of my food, I might leave out low calorie veggies or fruit though, but it's no more than 100 calories off. I don't plan on taking supplements until mid summer, and I think dehydration of caffeine withdrawal could definitely be possible. The low carb suggestion is also really feasible, I just didn't think of it. I suspected protein maybe, but after reading comments, it's starting to seem like carbs or not eating enough.

    After the first few days, I started getting sick and lost my appetite. I just are some pasta, so hopefully that makes me feel a little better. Thank you for all of your suggestions, they really have made sense of this!