Fitbit Flex



  • Cutemisscoco
    I have to agree with the last poster, I have had zero issues with the clasp on mine. I do not struggle to put it on nor has it ever come close to coming off. Perhaps there are faulty ones out there?
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    I have my fitbit one, When i have it on my wrist (like after a shower before bed/when getting up) i notice my "activity" seems higher though teh steps not iykwim. When i wear mY fitbit one on my waist i get a good step and activity reading. If i clip it to my bra the steps again don't seem as high.
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    See, that is really interesting to note. I have been wondering what the difference is between a hip worn tracker and wrist worn tracker. I wore my roommate's Jawbone UP and it registered ~150 more steps than my flex for the same distance. His height setting is 5 inches taller than mine as well. :( What gives, Jawbone?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Not to sidetrack the thread, but why are people worried about steps? I've never understood what steps do in relationship to weight loss, fitness, or overall health.
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    Not to sidetrack the thread, but why are people worried about steps? I've never understood what steps do in relationship to weight loss, fitness, or overall health.

    This is an answer for me, no idea about others -When i get my targeted steps of 10000 i get around 7.5km walked. When I'm on days off from my on my feet 8 hours a day job I was struggling to get above 5k! It just helps keep me motivated and active, Even if I have doen a boto camp/bike ride/hike i still liek to use my fitbit to make sure i have doen enough steps, stairs, Km's walked.
  • istenno
    istenno Posts: 5 Member
    I got my fitbit flex yesterday. I have been using a jawbone up since christmas, but I really hate having to plug it into my phone to see my progress (at least with the flex I can tap it and see a general idea of where I am in terms of my daily goal). I wore both today (same wrist) but as of now by jawbone is saying I've done 11185 and the flex is saying 8255. Now I can understand a little difference between the two - but almost 3000 steps is a little much! I am going to keep wearing them both for a few days and see if this continues (I don't know if my jawbone has been over counting, or my flex is undercounting)
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    I got my fitbit flex yesterday. I have been using a jawbone up since christmas, but I really hate having to plug it into my phone to see my progress (at least with the flex I can tap it and see a general idea of where I am in terms of my daily goal). I wore both today (same wrist) but as of now by jawbone is saying I've done 11185 and the flex is saying 8255. Now I can understand a little difference between the two - but almost 3000 steps is a little much! I am going to keep wearing them both for a few days and see if this continues (I don't know if my jawbone has been over counting, or my flex is undercounting)

    Interesting, I wore my roommate's UP with my Flex, and it over-counted too. Even more intriguing is the fact that his height is 5 inches higher than mine... I would think that would give me LESS steps lol.