Need help determining activity level

danigrl8 Posts: 22 Member
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
i don't know if i should be set at sedentary or lightly active because it's confusing for me. I have a desk job mon through fri. I go to the gym three days a week for 30-45 min, lifting only. From the time i get off work at 4:30 until 9p every night i'm busy cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids etc. i don't sit down during that time. Weekends vary with cleaning, shopping, cooking and activities with the children. What activity setting would be most appropriate? Right now i have it at sedentary because i have a desk job.

ETA i'm asking because i've been told to set it at sedentary no matter what


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    MFP activity levels don't take exercise into account, you log that. So that covers the gym. Most people use their job as the base line. I am pretty active after work, but most of the day I am sitting at a desk, so I chose sedentary. It works well for me. You can try choosing sedentary and then -- if you are losing weight too quickly -- you can always bump it up. But I find that my after-work and weekend activities don't count for as much as what I do at work.