New here, serious about losing weight

I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and I've always said I was going to do something about it but was never serious enough. Much of the time, I used food for comfort, or because I was bored. Well, I finally decided to take the plunge. This all started with cutting out soda 9 days ago, just because it was making my body feel gross from drinking so much. Then I decided to go all the way with this and finally lose the baby weight from when I had my son and then lose what I still needed to lose before getting pregnant. This is the most I've ever stuck with any diet, and it would be nice to have some support.


  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you'd like.
  • adfw71
    adfw71 Posts: 6
    Welcome....this is my second Day and I would be happy to help motivate you and hopefully myself in the process....I had complete hysterectomy 2 years ago and have gained 30 lbs....good luck
  • adcini
    adcini Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome! You're among friends here! It's great that you've recognized how soda makes you feel.
  • nshenay14
    nshenay14 Posts: 11 Member
    @rockstarginaa‌ , I don't know how...
  • nshenay14
    nshenay14 Posts: 11 Member
    @adcini‌ , yeah, soda is the one thing I'll never go back to. And I'm completely changing my relationship with food.
  • cjenkins91
    cjenkins91 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! You are more than welcome to add me if you like :) I log every day. I am 5'7 and weighed 140 prior to my pregnancy with my daughter... my daughter is 5 years old now so I figure I had to stop using the "I just had a baby excuse" to explain my extra weight, lol.

    Currently I am 164 lbs. and working to get to 140 :) I hope we can cheer each other on!
  • XxNataleighXx
    XxNataleighXx Posts: 46 Member
    I'm new too... Feel free to add me (anyone!) xx