So very frustrated with slow progress



  • DKLI
    DKLI Posts: 63 Member
    You're not at a plateau if you're still losing, even .5 lbs. Congrats!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I'm quite sure that I am being impatient, I just felt like since I am so big it would go faster. I guess I didn't really look at the math before I posted, since my loss has slowed to .5 lbs last week. I have so far to go and it is really disappointing to hit a plateau already.

    Larger people can lose faster at the beginning, be patient and see how it goes. You should be able to exceed.5lb a week, but wait a few weeks to check ut isnt just your body adjusting. What it suggests to me is that your deficit isnt as big as you think it is and you will need to tighten up on your logging as you are eating more than you think and burning less.
  • punkysmama19
    punkysmama19 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your pain....I have lost 50lbs in 7 Mos and during that time have hit a couple plateaus...and they ARE discouraging. But folks are right...your overall pace is right on target...if you lose too fast your skin can't keep up and you get really saggy baggy flaps. As you lose and get more active you increase muscle which weighs more than fat so rather than gauge progress by a # on the scale, gauge it through changes in clothes sizes, and body measurements. And make sure you drink LOTS of water so your liver can burn fat instead of help a kidney which happens when you are even slightly dehydrated. I notice my plateaus coincided with not enough water AND not enough sleep. Cortisol increases when we are sleep depri
  • MynameisJerryB
    MynameisJerryB Posts: 168 Member
    I think you have done great!! Keep doing what you are doing and like its been said, focus on other things besides the number on the scale. Congratulations on making it this far!!
  • Shanairah1991
    Shanairah1991 Posts: 152 Member
    I've lost 45 lbs in year and a half. I see people who have lost 100 lbs in that amount if time. Granted, I only had 55 lbs to loose to begin with... my point is be patient. :) keep doing what you are doing and you'll get there. I fell off the wagon but I got back up and That's the most important thing is you don't give up. Have a happy journey!