
Hello I am John. I am newbie here.
I am a fitness trainer at fitness gym. This is my first job not really experienced. I join this forum to get knowledge from fitness masters here to do better in my career. I hope lots of fitness tips from this community.

Thank you.


  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    edited March 2015
    I try to live by the 20/80 rule. Fitness is 20% what you lift in the gym and 80% what you lift with your fork! Nutrition is the key. Welcome to MFP!
  • johnfitnessmatch
    johnfitnessmatch Posts: 4
    edited March 2015
    BillRicks1 wrote: »
    I try to live by the 20/80 rule. Fitness is 20% what you lift in the gym and 80% what you lift with your fork! Nutrition is the key. Welcome to MFP!

    Thanks Ricks...
    I want to here more from you in this forum...