Question about crystal light

Ok everyone's help, and opinion. I do not drink pop at all but i do drink a lot of crystal light everyone is always saying how bad it is.


  • kaitlinrt
    kaitlinrt Posts: 28 Member
    Nothing is bad in moderation! Can you drink just plain water? If you absolutely have to have crystal light to drink water, then there might be a problem. Our taste buds become accustomed to the sugary things very easily.

    I would routinely purchase premade iced raspberry tea at work. It was tasty! Then I realized it had like 40+ grams of sugar and high calories for a liquid. I stopped cold turkey for a couple of weeks. When I did purchase it again it tasted AWFUL, way too sweet.

    I prefer to either 1. not drink my calories or 2. if I am drinking calories make it something with calcium/vitamins (such as milk or fortified OJ in moderation).
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    edited March 2015
    Artificial sweetener fearmongering, most likely. If you enjoy it and the sweeteners don't cause health issues, keep to it.
  • Luckily crystal light has no calories and better to drink water that way than not at all.
  • Just checked. It has 5 calories and 0 Carbs. That's a win-win in my book.
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    The worst thing about it is the tremendous amount of acid, which is horrible for your teeth. Be sure to rinse your mouth with regular water after each glass, and try to drink it quickly or with meals vs sipping all day. Diet wise it shouldn't matter, but you might find that it feeds your sweet tooth and makes those cravings worse.
  • Luckily for me it hasn't been like that. It helped me kick a serious diet soda habit. With the food plan I'm on I don't seem to get cravings, unless something is put right in front of me.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I see nothing wrong with drinking it, but Crystal Light has all the same stuff in it that diet sodas do, it just isn't carbonated.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    I see nothing wrong with drinking it, but Crystal Light has all the same stuff in it that diet sodas do, it just isn't carbonated.

    This. It's really no better or worse than diet sodas unless carbonation is an issue for you.

  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    If it doesn't bother you, then I don't see why you need to stop drinking it.

    For me, the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks cause bloating issues and crystal light gave me really bad sore throat every time I tried it.